Preparing to Become a Mom for the First Time? Here’s What You Need

Congratulations! The adventure of parenthood is one you’re about to begin. Although being pregnant is a joyful time, the sheer amount of baby products that everyone believes are vital may be somewhat overwhelming. Everyone appears to have an opinion on what parents should do, what mothers should buy, and what newborns require when it comes to sleeping or eating.

Preparing to Become a Mom for the First Time? Here's What You Need. Image credit: Pixabay.

Here’s a list of some basic equipment you may want to have when your baby comes home with you. There is only one essential item on this list; the others are optional, depending on your parenting style and needs. For example, if you live in a small apartment, you may want a baby carrier and not a stroller. If you have any back issues, the stroller may be a better option than the baby carrier. Take your time thinking about your lifestyle, your dreams for motherhood, your living space, and what you really want for your baby before investing in any baby equipment.

Prams or Strollers

This is an important choice to make. We assure you that you’re not the only one having trouble understanding the complex world of prams / strollers. According to the folks at littleloubaby.com.au, prams are crucial components of a baby’s life because they are made to carry them all the way up to toddler age.

With the vast array of alternatives available to new parents, it might feel as though every choice you make could end up being the incorrect one. You could be in a sweat at that point, simply attempting to go from A to B. So how to choose the right stroller? The best advice is to keep comfort, style, utility, and practicality in mind while shopping. Read reviews and ask your friends for advice if possible.

Bonnie Way with her Graco FastAction Fold Jogging Travel System at the park

Baby Swing

When you’re rushing about your home like crazy trying to get a load of laundry done, make a phone call, or even simply get something to eat, a baby swing can help provide a safe, calm space for baby. What no one tells you is that features like flashing lights, MP3 player connections, and self-rocking mechanisms can buy you some additional time or perhaps soothe a fussy baby.

The Graco Everyway Soother keeps baby happy and gives mom's arms a break!

Baby Carrier

While pregnant, you carry your child for almost a year. And while they are warm and secure within the womb, your heartbeat and breath are their constant companions. However, when babies are born, they enter a completely new world. Fortunately, baby carriers exist.

Babywearing restores the intimacy between you two while also offering the infant a variety of advantages for healthy physical and mental growth. The term “fourth trimester” refers to the period immediately following childbirth and for a good reason. As your child adjusts to this new, wide world, they need you more than ever. In addition, your partner can bond with the infant in a new way by wearing the baby.

Homeschool mom going over lesson plans with baby wrapped in a Beluga Baby bamboo carrier.

Diaper Bag

There is no denying that newborns require a lot of things. While you are caring for a baby, especially when you are away from home, there are many issues to deal with, such as blowouts and bottles. When you’re out and about, a diaper bag is an ideal place to keep everything you need for the baby together.

It’s essential to have, even if you’re a minimalist, for carrying things like a change of clothing, extra pacifiers, bottles, and a few toys, in addition to diapers and wipes. Your personal preferences will undoubtedly play a role in choosing the ideal diaper bag, so go through the many options and select the one that best suits you. Remember your choices aren’t limited to bags labeled “diaper bags.” Many of my friends have used simply a good backpack or large handbag for their diaper bag.

Car Seat

Safety doesn’t just happen; it requires planning. The safety of your child must come first for you as a parent. When traveling with your infant, using the right car seat helps protect him or her from any accident risks. It aids in lowering the possibility of deadly accidental injuries. Car seats are required by law in Canada and the US; most hospitals won’t let you leave with baby unless you show them your car seat. You’ll want to check your local provincial regulations before transitioning your baby from one type of car seat to another (e.g., from rear-facing to front-facing or from five-point harness to booster).

Choosing a car seat can be just as complicated as choosing any of the above baby items. Again, talk to friends and read reviews. Safety is more important than style here. If you are planning to buy a stroller, it’s often handy to buy the car seat and stroller together as a travel system, as this saves you money and also makes outings with baby a lot easier.

Graco SnugRide Click Connect™ 35 Infant Car Seat

Swaddling Blanket

Babies have been wrapped in blankets by mothers for thousands of years. You could certainly use the additional sleep that swaddling would bring, whether you’re a first-time parent or an experienced one. Swaddling your infant every time they fall asleep (which is often) may seem like a lot of work, but there are several advantages to doing so.

Swaddling safeguards your infant from its natural startle response, improving your sleep quality. It promotes deeper, longer sleep for your infant and helps avert SIDS. These are only a handful of the numerous advantages.

Baby Clothing

Of course, baby also needs clothing! Picking out adorable outfits can be one of the fun parts of your journey to new motherhood. It can be easy to go overboard here and purchase way more outfits than baby needs—or will wear before he outgrows them and needs a bigger size. It’s best to purchase a few clothing essentials for your new arrival and then wait to see what baby actually wears, and add to her wardrobe later. Online shopping makes it easy to update baby’s wardrobe as necessary!

Baby wearing a cute pair of sage green Kooshoo pants.

Worried about how to budget for a new baby? Planning ahead can help a lot. You can also find most baby equipment (with the exception of car seats) second hand. Many of these items are used by babies for only a few months and then can be passed on to another family in near-perfect condition. Watch your local buy-n-sell sites or look for local baby consignment stores. Try to find a local mom’s group, too; the moms in my mom’s groups are always swapping baby gear as various babies outgrow it or arrive and need it.

Beginner's Guide to Growing Baby: Tips to Help You through all Four Trimesters by Bonnie Way and Anna EastlandLooking for more pregnancy and baby advice? Check out Beginner’s Guide to Growing Baby: Tips to Help You Through All Four Trimesters, a book about pregnancy, birth, and baby’s first three months. Written with my good friend Anna Eastland (mom of 10 kids!), Beginner’s Guide to Growing Baby is an honest, practical look at pregnancy and beyond. We share what’s worked for us in growing, birthing and loving fifteen babies.

Beginner’s Guide to Growing Baby is available on Amazon.

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