Birth Stories to Celebrate #LabourDay

I love reading birth stories. I find it fascinating that this experience, while common to every mom, is so unique for each of us. Every baby enters the world in his or her own special way. And that experience has a profound impact upon us moms—physically, emotionally, spiritually. So to celebrate Labour Day, I thought I’d share some birth stories from myself and my fellow mom bloggers.

Labour Day Birth Stories

The Day You Were Born

The day you were born we were at Mary’s house. All the kiddos were running around screaming—she was chatting with me while she and her husband were making dinner. They didn’t let me help. They made me sit there and relax. They told me they wanted to serve the girls and me dinner and that I wasn’t to do a lick of work. So, I put my feet up. I sat back. Relaxed. Then it came. The contraction. …keep reading

And Pearl Makes Four

On Sunday night, I packed my hospital bag (a just-in-case measure), with Jade wondering hopefully if we were going on a choo choo train or airplane. I baked two quiches for supper, because we had lots of ham and eggs, and thought as I put one quiche in the fridge, “Okay, three casseroles in the freezer and one in the fridge—good time to have a baby.” …keep reading

She’s Here!

I managed to teach for my online classes the day she was born; I kept sitting on the couch and trying not to let contractions happen. When they did, I told the kids that I had a cold (which was true) and that I needed to cough (which might have also been true). …keep reading

Baby Katherine from Mama and Her Littles

Aria Rosemary: A Birth Story

When I was around 6 months pregnant with Aria I really began to pray for my labor and delivery. I mean really really pray. When I was delivering Peter I had the drama of pre-eclampsia and with James I had a post delivery hemorrhage and ended up needing a blood transfusion. So with this third pregnancy I was asking God for a calm and peaceful labor and delivery. …keep reading

Lily’s Birth Story

When the first tightening across my abdomen hit on Friday night, I glanced at the clock, just in case. 4:30 pm. Over the next hour, the cramps were regular enough to keep me hoping it was labour and sporadic enough that I kept forgetting the time of the last one—ten or fifteen minutes apart, and not very strong. …keep reading

Leaning on my husband during Lily's birth

My Unplanned Homebirth

With less than a month to go until Austin’s first birthday, I think it’s time to officially tell the story of his eventful birth. For those of you that don’t know, Austin was supposed to be born in a nearby hospital, but he surprised us by being born at home with only my husband there to catch him! …keep reading

Well, That Escalated Quickly…

Just going to pop in quickly here to introduce you to the newest member of the family . . . Mary Jane Tierney. She was born at 3:08 am this morning, July 25th, her due date, the Feast of St. James. 8lbs 3oz, 21 inches long, not much hair to speak of. Looks exactly like the rest of them. And . . . she was accidentally born at home. …keep reading

My Homebirth Story

When I wrote my last pregnancy update, I didn’t expect I’d be waiting another five weeks to write my homebirth story.  Babies are unpredictable! On my due date, my husband and I took his mom for high tea at the Empress Hotel.  Then in the evening, we went for a belated birthday dinner for Sunshine at Red Robin’s with friends of ours.  I thought perhaps having two reservations would convince baby to come, but nope. …keep reading

tired mom with newborn baby

And Then There Were Three

My mom came to visit on August 13th, and in my mind I’m thinking, “This is perfect. My back pain is now at the ‘unmanageable’ point, and this is my third baby, and while I certainly don’t believe I’ll deliver early, I’m hoping for my due date at this point. That way, mom will be here to watch Tony and Alessandra, Will can take me to the hospital without any issues, and my mom will get to see her new grandbaby.” Well. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you what happened. …keep reading

Homebirth Story

Before I dive head first into my home birth stories, let me tell you a bit more about myself. My name is Andrea (some know me better as MommaInFlipFlops), I’m 30, been married to my husband for eight years, we have four children – three boys 7, 3 and 6 weeks and a 5 year old girl along with two babes in heaven. …keep reading

Sunshine’s Birth Story

My husband’s friends began calling us on Saturday to ask if there was a baby yet. “Sorry,” we said. “I guess we forgot to tell the baby that today was the due date.” We were out browsing baby stores, comparing prices and thinking about what we’d need in the next few months. Baby was being shy, my husband said. …keep reading

The Birth of Genevieve Therese

I started having Braxton Hicks contractions around 30-31 weeks. At 32 weeks, we decided to go in and get monitored just to make sure baby was staying put. The women in my family tend to deliver babies early. After being monitored for about 2 hours, they could see I was contracting but baby was fine and I was diagnosed with an irritable uterus and sent home to wait for a “substantial change” in my contractions. …keep reading

Evelyn’s Birth-Day

Although probably the hardest thing I’ve accomplished in my life, I thank God for the fairly smooth delivery of our baby, Evelyn Rose. After several instances of false labor starts, true labor began about 10 pm on Thursday, November 8th with contractions about every 10 minutes apart. On the coldest evening of the season yet, we tested out its authenticity taking a brisk walk outside. They remained consistent. ...keep reading…

Joey Bounces In

Sunshine looked at the calendar on Saturday, December 9th, and said, “Baby is coming today!!!” I laughed. I’d written “EDD” on the calendar and explained it to her a few times, but apparently the girls still expected their brother on his due date. Lily and Jade were equally disappointed that Baby was still keeping us waiting by the end of the day. By the end of the weekend, I had cleaned the bathrooms, finished the girls’ room, and made sure all the baby stuff was ready. …keep reading

I hope you enjoy these stories and have a wonderful Labour Day weekend!

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