26 Weeks Pregnant and Loving My Maternity Clothes!

Time for another pregnancy update! It’s hard to believe I’m already 26 weeks pregnant — and yet at the same time, it feels like there’s so many weeks left to go.

Baby’s growth? Baby is now about 10 inches long. That seems big when I think about him or her all curled up in my stomach but not so big when I think about what if he or she was born now

Pregnancy update: 26 weeks pregnant

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Symptoms? My right rib is sore. Very sore. Which causes some problems with sleeping (see below) as laying on my right side seems to aggravate it. Coughing makes it hurt (and I’ve had a cold all week). I haven’t found anything that makes it stop hurting, actually. And it’s not even like the baby is jamming a foot up under that rib, the way both Sunshine and Lily did in their last few months inside.

Weight gain (or loss)? My midwives aren’t tracking this so I haven’t really been paying attention either. I don’t usually weigh myself unless someone (like the doctor or midwife) asks what I weigh, so I can’t really remember what I was at before I got pregnant—or how much I’ve gained.  I’m definitely gained a bit of weight by 26 weeks pregnant, though!  🙂

Cravings? There have been several evenings when a glass of wine sounds lovely. Sigh. I’m gonna have a wine and cheese party after this baby comes, I think. 🙂 Oh, and I realized the other day that rum and eggnog was going to be out this Christmas. That should be an excuse to get more eggnog lattes, right?  Decaf, of course.  🙂

Food Aversions? Not really.

Sleep? I was sleeping better for a few weeks there… seemed like I had gotten used to sleeping on my right side or left side (other than the occasional wish to just stretch out on my stomach). Last week there were a few days when it took me forever to fall asleep again. Nothing seemed comfortable. Especially when sleeping on my right side makes my rib hurt more, so I’m left with sleeping on my left side all night long.

Maternity Clothes? Yep. Still loving my new shirts from HolyClothing, PinkBlush Maternity and EverlyGrey. A few of the baggy T-shirts that I had been wearing don’t cover my bump anymore. I’m sticking to my two pairs of maternity jeans (which are comfy) and occasionally a pair of yoga pants when I get tired of jeans.

Movement? Lots. Mostly when I’m sitting quietly, maybe reading a story with the girls or watching a movie with my husband, or after I lay down for bed. It’s one of my favourite parts of being pregnant.

Thoughts from the family… A friend of ours commented to Sunshine that she must be excited about the baby. Sunshine said yes and added, “I want to see how it comes out!” I kinda laughed. That’s the first time she’s said that, although she’s asked me in the past how the baby gets out of my tummy. I have friends who’ve had their young children with them during labour and birth, but it’s not in my plans. I tend to go very much into “labourland” where I don’t want any distractions, and having the girls around would definitely be distracting.

Something I’m Excited About… Holding this baby and finding out whether it’s a boy or a girl!

Pregnancy related books you are reading…. Angela England, whom I write for over at Untrained Housewife, recently sent me her ebook, A Weekly Guide to Your Pregnancy, which I’ve found very helpful (even at 26 weeks pregnant already!). Other than that, I haven’t started reading any pregnancy books yet, though I’ve been planning to pick up Pamela England’s book Birthing From Within a bit closer to the baby’s due date.

How did you feel at 26 weeks pregnant?

Follow along with my pregnancy…

Beginner's Guide to Growing Baby: Tips to Help You through All Four TrimestersIs this your first pregnancy or your third? After having my fifth baby, I compiled all my pregnancy notes and research into a book for new moms! Beginner’s Guide to Growing Baby: Tips to Help You Through All Four Trimesters includes everything I’ve learned through five pregnancies, as well as the wisdom and advice of my good friend, Anna Eastland. She’s a mom of 9 babies, including one in heaven. If we could have you over for coffee and sit down to chat about bellies and babies, this is what we’d tell you! Between us, we’ve got you covered for everything you need to know about a natural, healthy pregnancy!

Beginner’s Guide to Growing Baby is available on Amazon.

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  1. Little Miss Kate November 27, 2012
  2. Mommy_Jennof3 November 27, 2012
  3. Nicole November 27, 2012
  4. Torviewtoronto November 27, 2012
  5. Country Mouse, City Mouse November 26, 2012
  6. Brandi Yee November 26, 2012
  7. Multi-Testing Mommy November 26, 2012
  8. Marla November 26, 2012

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