My WaterH Smart Water Bottle helps keep me hydrated!

As a mom of five kids working from home, I often find myself dehydrated. Drinking a glass of water seems like an easy little task, and yet with trying to accomplish everything on my to-do list in a day, I seldom stop by the tap to pour myself a drink. Usually by 4 pm, my head is letting me know that I’m waaaaay behind on water consumption. Thankfully, my WaterH smart water bottle is helping me do better!

My WaterH Smart Water Bottle helps keep me hydrated! (Smiling Bonnie Way holds her WaterH bottle up.)

I received this product for review; all opinions expressed remain my own.

What is the WaterH Smart Water Bottle?

The WaterH smart bottle is a sleek, insulated water bottle that’s easy to carry everywhere with you—and tracks your water consumption. It’s connected to an app on my phone that reminds me to stop and take a drink. I can see how much water I’ve had that day and whether I’ve reached my goal or not. Honestly, it’s made a difference for me.

I’ve noticed when I exceed my water intake goal each day, I definitely feel better. And when I don’t, I feel tired and often start developing a headache. When I get a headache, I usually link it to dehydration and lack of water intake, but I hadn’t really paid attention to how often I was getting headaches as a result of not drinking enough water. Since getting my WaterH, I’m more aware of how proper hydration affects my body.

Blue WaterH bottle on its charging stand beside the box.

Using the WaterH app

While the slogan goes “there’s an app for that,” I’m usually the last one to download the latest app. In fact, I recently passed on working with a client because they required an app, and I spent time on the phone with another company because I refused to download their app too. I was somewhat dubious about using an app to track my water intake but I also admitted to myself that my best intentions to drink more water regularly fail.

The app allowed me to customize my water intake to me. We’ve all heard the advice to drink 8 cups of water a day, but cups come in different sizes and so do people. When I set up the app, it asked me for details like my gender, height / weight and activity level, and then used that to recommend that I drink 63 fluid ounces a day.

Tracking my daily water consumption using the WaterH app on my phone.

In the app, I can adjust when I get reminders to drink; for example, currently it gives me a notification every hour to take a drink, but I could increase or decrease that. Again, just having that little “ding” on my phone helps me stop checking email or washing dishes and reach for my water bottle. I’ve noticed it’s helping me develop a habit of being more aware of my water intake and take a drink more frequently, even without the notification.

Of course, I don’t put my coffee in my water bottle. The app allows me to manually add what other fluids I’ve consumed during the day. I can note that I’ve had my two cups of coffee and my morning pink drink, and add any other water I drink during the day. The app automatically updates whatever I drink from my water bottle. Awareness can help make positive changes in our lives, as we become aware of our habits and adjust them.

It was alarming over the first week to realize how little I was actually drinking. Initially, I found it difficult to hit the daily target (for me, set at 2650 ml). Over a few weeks of getting into the habit of hydrating more, it was nice to have the data to show an overall improvement on a weekly basis. ~ Outdoor Vancouver

Try WaterH yourself

The WaterH smart bottle is currently available in three colours—dark blue (mine), light blue, and white. It comes with a wireless charger and two lids (with or without a straw) with a handy silicone loop.

I personally really like the lid with a straw, as it’s easy to take my water bottle along anywhere. I’m often in my Jeep running errands with the kids, and now I bring my water bottle along with me. It fits perfectly in the cupholder and I can stay hydrated on the go. I’ve also been impressed at how long the battery lasts; currently, I charge my bottle about once a week.

As we head into another hot summer, it’s very important to ensure we stay hydrated. I’ve suffered from heat stroke twice in the past (as a young adult) so hot days make me very aware that I need to be on top of water consumption. Having my WaterH makes me more likely to take a drink before I start to feel hot and thirsty. The insulated bottle also keeps my water deliciously cold!

If you want to find out more about the WaterH smart bottle, drop by the website to check it out.

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