Meet Taryn DeLong, WAHM and Editor-in-Chief

Welcome back to my WAHM Wednesday series, where I get to interview a fabulous work-at-home-mom about how she does it! Motherhood is a huge job, but many of us moms are also juggling other jobs from home while chasing kids. I hope this series inspires you in both your vocations and maybe helps give you some tips and ideas too. Today, I’m excited to introduce Taryn DeLong, a mom, writer, editor, and more.

Meet Taryn DeLong, WAHM and Editor-in-Chief

TKM: Tell us about yourself and your family.

Taryn DeLong: My husband and I have been married almost three years and have a two-year-old daughter. We live in a small town outside Raleigh, NC, where my husband and I both work from home—him full time and me part time.

TKM: Tell us about your business or work.

Taryn: I worked full time in business media until I had my daughter in 2021. Now, I’m co-president and editor-in-chief of Catholic Women in Business, which offers community, education, and encouragement for Catholic women who are called to a career in business. I also do some freelance writing and editing.

TKM: How do you juggle motherhood and work?

Taryn DeLong: We don’t have any child care, so I get most of my work done during my daughter’s nap time and after she goes to bed. Sometimes, she joins me on video calls or plays independently while I answer emails. We have a lot of moms on the team at Catholic Women in Business—my co-president has two age two and under—so we frequently have interruptions or see (and hear) babies and toddlers on calls. It’s all part of being a pro-life, pro-motherhood business.

Taryn DeLong, WAHM and editor-in-chief, works on her laptop at her coffee table.

TKM: What is the best part about being a WAHM?

Taryn: I love being able to spend so much time with my daughter (though I need breaks as much as any other mom!). The fact that my husband works from home as well means we spend so much more time together as a family than we otherwise would—we have more time together in the morning and evening because neither of us has a commute, we eat lunch together, and we take one or two walks together during the day.

Prior to the Industrial Revolution, so much of work happened at home, with family. And while a lot of modern work can’t really happen with small children around, having both parents work from home helps to create some of that closeness that we lost in the 19th century.

TKM: What is the most challenging part of being a WAHM?

Taryn DeLong: For me, the challenge is always wanting to do more. I’d love to be able to work more hours, but childcare is not in the cards right now, and I also am not even sure I’d want to use it if I could. I love the amount of time I get to spend with my daughter, and I love the flexibility of being able to run errands, have playdates, or meet up with other SAHM/WAHM friends and their kids for coffee.

At the same time, I love my work, and I have big goals. I’m just trying to stay receptive to what God calls my family and me to in each season of life—his plan is better than mine.


TKM: What tips would you share with other WAHMs?

Taryn: Number one is to stay receptive to God. Be open and flexible to changes in everything from your routine to the kind of work you do. I am not a flexible person by nature, so this is something I have to pray for—and becoming a mother has certainly forced me to learn on the “job”!

I’ve heard Lisa Canning say God will always give us enough time for the work He’s called us to, and I’ve found this to be true for myself. Every time there was a shift in my daughter’s nap schedule, I thought I wouldn’t have enough time in my day to get all of my work done—and somehow, I always have more than enough for what I really need to do.

God always provides. I just have to discern what He’s calling me to and trust that He will give me the ability to do it.

WAHM Taryn DeLong sits at her kitchen table writing in a planner.

TKM: Where online can we find you?

Taryn DeLong: My website is Everyday Roses and I work at Catholic Women in Business. We have a new membership community you can join on our website. You can find me and CWIB on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. I’m most active on Instagram and LinkedIn.

TKM: Is there anything else you’d like to share?

Taryn: Being a WAHM is hard, but I’ve come to the conclusion that there is no way of being a mother that isn’t. The ability to pursue your vocation as a wife and mother alongside other dreams is such a gift, and I don’t take it for granted. I thank God (and my husband, who works hard so that we don’t have to rely on my income) frequently.

WAHM Wednesday - where work-at-home moms share what works for them!

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