3 Things to Take Care of Before Your Baby is Born

Baby’s imminent arrival is a time of great excitement for parents. You’ve decorated the nursery, bought plenty of diapers, and taken a parenting course or two. However, before your baby arrives, there could be a few things you still need to do (and its better to do them now, before you’re busy with baby!). Here are a few things you should take care of before your due date to get ready for baby.

3 Things to Take Care of Before Your Baby is Born. Photo by Damir Spanic on Unsplash.

Pick Out a Car Seat

One of the most important items you need ahead of time is an infant car seat. In fact, you won’t be allowed to leave the hospital with your newborn if you don’t have one. Make sure it has everything needed to keep your baby safe while you’re on the road.

It will help if you read the reviews left by those who purchased a specific car seat. Remember that there’s bound to be a negative comment here and there. But if you see more negative than positive reviews, keep browsing until you find the best car seat. Your child will likely be using this car seat for many years, so it’s worth investing in a good car seat to keep him or her safe.

Assess Your Budget

It’s true that babies come with some extra expenses. There are big ticket items you’ll need to buy, like that car seat or new furniture. You may also want to start putting money away for your child’s RESP. Don’t get overwhelmed yet! With careful planning ahead, you don’t need to break the bank for your new little bundle of joy.

You can save money by finding a lot of baby clothing and gear at secondhand baby stores or online used listings. Some churches and community centres host clothing swaps where you can bring clothing your baby has outgrown to donate, and pick up clothing for your baby to grow into. It’s also a good idea to buy things as you need them. For example, many websites list “must-have items” for new moms, but each mom and her needs are different.

You can also  look at finding ways to reduce monthly expenses like refinancing student loans, cutting the cable, or cancelling the gym membership so you have more money to spend on your new baby. A private lender can help you refinance existing student loans into a new loan with a more favorable interest rate.

Baby-Proof Your House

With the new addition to your family fast approaching, now’s the perfect time to baby-proof your home. By baby-proof, we mean making sure there’s nothing around that can harm your baby. Although they’ll be pretty stationary for several months, it’s a completely different story when your baby starts learning how to crawl. Plus, you don’t want to be caught by surprise if baby starts crawling or reaching for things before you expect it!

Once your baby is mobile, there’s nothing that doesn’t pique their curiosity. From electrical wires to power outlets, everything needs to be made inaccessible. You can easily begin baby-proofing your home by investing in plug covers, baby latches, and a baby gate. Even if you don’t have stairs, a baby gate can close off a hallway or keep baby in one room of the house.

Are you expecting? Check out Beginner’s Guide to Growing Baby for more tips from two moms who’ve been there, done that with fourteen babies between us!

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