5 Favourite Personalized Products for Kids

It might only be the first half of August, but many moms are planning for September already. Our new homeschool curriculum has arrived and I’m considering which extracurricular activities to sign the girls up for. Then, of course, there’s the gear required for school. My tip: grab some personalized products for your kids this fall.

Personalized products don’t require the addition of name labels because they already have your child’s name on it. These products set your child apart from his or classmates (or, in our case, siblings). Having the girls names on their clothes, T-shirts, bags, etc., makes it easier to tell whose is whose (and eliminates any “She took my _____!”). These products also create pride in your preschooler or Kindergartener as they learn to recognize their own name.

Here’s a list of some of our favourite personalized products. Order now to get them by September!

5 Favourite Personalized Products for Kids

#1: Personalized Stationary

Personalized stationary is a great way to encourage kids to write more and to keep in touch with friends and family. Maybe they made a great friend at summer camp or reconnected with a faraway cousin. Encourage them to become pen pals by writing on their very own stationary. My girls love pulling out their notecards to send letters to their cousins, friends, and grandparents.

"A Sweet Hello" personalized stationary with markers in a box from Minted.com

#2: Lunch Bags & Water Bottles

Instead of adding name labels to their lunch bags and water bottles, just order lunch bags and water bottles with your child’s name on them! Stuck on You has a great selection of personalized back-to-school products. My girls are still using the stainless steel water bottles they got two years ago. We’ve taken these water bottles a lot of places and they don’t show any wear.

#3: Colouring Books

Whether you have a preschooler who wants her own books like her big sister, or an older child who needs some downtime after school, a colouring book starring YOUR CHILD is a great idea. Since I’ve started colouring, the girls have been colouring more again. Often, they pull out their personalized colour books. (Lately, they’ve asked me if they can get some of the other books in the series, about themselves.)

I See Me! personalized colouring books (personalized products for kids)

Sunshine loves the intricate detail in her Very Own Fairy Tale from I See Me!. She’s advanced beyond some of her simpler colouring books and wants more complicated pictures, like she sees me colouring. This colouring book fits that description. Lily is a Little Dancer is more suitable for a younger child, with whimsical dance illustrations and activity prompts.

Get a personalized Color In & Activity Book for your child from In the Book!

Color In & Activity Book from In the Book includes educational activities for kids. Pearl has learned about her alphabet, shapes, colours, and more while colouring. Each colouring page features her name woven into the picture in a fun font.

#4: Personalized Books

Encourage your child’s love of reading (or desire to learn!) with a book about all their favourite people. MagneTree Books are fun stories personalized for your son or daughter with pictures of 9 special people—friends, siblings, parents, grandparents, etc. Again, if you spent time visiting family over the summer, this is a great way for children to stay connected.

MagneTree book Meet Me in Zzzzz... covers (personalized products for kids)

Build Your Own Character books let you put your child in the story. You can design the book for your child or let them help you pick out their avatar and other features. I created a book for Jade about an imaginary pet unicorn. This fun story also features lessons in responsibility and provides food for thought as we discuss getting a pet!

In the Book with... Me and My Pet, a personalized storybook for Jade.

#5: Personalized T-shirts

One problem I’ve discovered with having multiple kids of the same gender is that their names frequently get mixed up. I do it myself. We frequently call Jade by Lily’s name (because we’re used to Lily being the baby, maybe?) or I’ll say Sunshine’s name when I’m talking to Lily.

When we’re out in big social gatherings, I can understand when friends have troubles telling the girls apart because Sunshine and Lily are so close to the same size right now. Now I’ve got the perfect solution: a tee with their name on it!

Fresh Frog Tees

Fresh Frog Tees is a family-run business with a lot of super-cute personalized T-shirts for every member of your family. I picked these pink t-shirts with fairy/princess wands for Sunshine and Lily. I ordered them a bit big—size 4 for Lily and size 5/6 for Sunshine—and the t-shirts fit nicely, with some room to grow into.

The girls were delighted when their t-shirts arrived in the mail; they wanted to put them on right away and Lily wore hers for the next several days.

As well as personalized T-shirts, Fresh Frog Tees have a lot of shirts for birthdays. They also have a couple shirt designs for mom and dad and birthday invitations. Dan and Amanda, the creators of Fresh Frog Tees, are the parents of five children under eight. They run their business from their home, which offers lots of fun and learning for their children.

I’ve also gotten baby onesies and maternity shirts from Zoey’s Attic Personalized Gifts. Personalized tees are a fun way to commemorate special events and milestones, like birthdays or baby’s first Christmas.

Baby's first Christmas onesie and leggings from Zoey's Attic Gifts.

If you have a youth group or sports team that wants personalized shirts, you can also order those online! Simply choose the style of shirt you want (e.g., polo, long sleeve tee), pick the size and colour, and then add your logo or text, and place your order. This is a fun way to celebrate a certain event (maybe a huge family anniversary or reunion?) or have everyone in a group match (my homeschool group has frequently talked about this for our field trips!).

What are your favourite personalized products?

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  1. DeBalino August 9, 2016

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