Create personalized story and activity books with In the Book!

This fall, we’ve been all about the books here. Jade and Pearl have jumped into grade 2 and Kindergarten with an excitement that reminds me why I love homeschooling. As Pearl works on learning to read, and Jade tries to improve her reading skills, I thought it would be fun to get them each a special book. In the Book is a publishing company that puts your child in their favourite stories—or a special new story! I picked a book each for Jade and Pearl and waited to see their faces when their special packages arrived…

Create personalized story and activity books for your child with IN THE BOOK

I received these books for review courtesy of In the Book; all opinions expressed are my own.

Personalized Children’s Activity Books

Pearl has spent the last couple of years wanting to do school like her big sisters. While I’ve done preschool activities with her in the past, this year she’s excited to be “officially” in school. Kindergarten has been a lot of fun as she asks me multiple times per day if she can do math or read another little story to me. In the Book’s Color In & Activity Book has been perfect for her with its mix of mix of colouring pages and activities about shapes, colours, and numbers and letters.

Get a personalized Color In & Activity Book for your child from In the Book!

Color In & Activity Book is personalized with your child’s name on the front cover and throughout the colouring pages inside. Pearl had fun tracing her name in some pictures and colouring the big bubble letters in other pictures. This colouring book is filled with pictures that will appeal to either boys or girls. In one page, Pearl’s name hides in the grass under the feet of a dinosaur; in another picture, her name is spread across the hills like the flowers beneath the butterfly.

Kindergartener colours a castle in her personalized coloring book.

The coil binding makes it easy to lay the colouring book flat for easier colouring. For a busy homeschool mom with multiple kids working at the same table, this is helpful! Pearl can sit with her markers and colouring book while I’m helping Jade or one of her older sisters.

If learning is fun, your little one will be eager for more! This book has been designed to make learning enjoyable for your child. Help your little one become a whiz at learning letters, numbers, shapes, coloring in and more with this super-duper activities book.

Color In & Activity Book begins with a page of tips and encouragement for parents. While coloring may seem like “busy” work to us parents, it’s actually a great way for kids to practice their fine motor skills. Notice how Pearl is holding her marker with perfect pencil grip above? That’s useful as she starts to write her numbers and letters for school! And the number and letter activities in this book were the first things she did.

Number practice page in a preschool / Kindergarten coloring book.

I love the way this colouring book mixes fun with learning, as promised in the intro. Pearl traced her alphabet, wrote the names of numbers, and coloured shapes. Other activities involve finding the differences between two pictures, matching and counting. Each colouring page also has a thought- or discussion-provoking question for your child, such as “Before they transform, what do butterflies start life as?” on the butterfly colouring page or “Did you know the first car was built in 1885 and only had 3 wheels?” on a page with a car.

Learn about shapes with this personalized colouring book from In the Book.

Overall, both Pearl and I have been impressed with the activities and colouring pages in this book. In the Book has a variety of other . Ordering online is easy and shipping is quick! If you have an eager young learner in your home this fall, check out In the Book’s fun selection of activity books to keep your child busy (while learning their own name!).

Personalized Kids’ Story Books

Browsing In the Book to choose something for Jade was a bit more overwhelming. There are so many awesome stories! You can search the website by gender, age, interests, or favourite character. In the Book has Disney and Pixar books as well as Beatrix Potter and Winnie the Pooh. Your child could star in a story about her favourite princess. In the Book also has their own original stories, and in the end, I decided to order a Build Your Own Character Book for Jade.

In the Book with... Me and My Pet, a personalized storybook for Jade.

We don’t have a pet (yet), but it’s something we talk about frequently. The girls would all love to have a dog or a cat and often discuss what sort of dog (or cat) we should get. Since this a story, though, I wasn’t limited to choosing a cat or a dog! The pet choices for Me & My Pet: How We First Met are endless. I choose a unicorn for Jaclyn, since she loves unicorns.

An inside page of "Me and My New Pet: How We First Met," showing a girl getting a big box with a note that says, "Name me and take care of me. I'm your new pet!"

Besides personalizing the book with Jade’s name, her pet, and her pet’s name, I was also able to make the girl in the story look like her. I choose an orange dress because that’s Jade’s favourite colour. The short brown hair is close to a hair style that she’s worn for a few years now. It was fun to go through all the options and pick the ones Jade liked best. (If you aren’t surprising your child with a book, you could have them pick what they want in their story!)

Personalize an In the Book story with your child's avatar, like this brown-eyed brown-haired girl dressed in orange (just like my daughter!).

Me and My Pet: How We First Met is a fun story about getting a new pet… and having to learn how to take care of it. Unicorns need to be fed and walked and played with, just like any other pet. It’s a great way to talk with your child about the responsibility of owning a pet (even if that pet is imaginary!). Whether your child is reading by themselves or still wants to climb into your lap for a read aloud, this book creates a special storytime..

7-year-old girl laying on her stomach on a couch, reading her Me & My Pet book.

Have you ever gotten your child a personalize activity book or personalized story book?

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