Teaching Children to Pray the Rosary

A few months ago, Sunshine started asking us if we could pray the rosary together. Since then, we’ve tried to make it a habit to do a family rosary together every night, even if we only make it through a decade on some nights. Here are some of the things that have helped us in teaching children to pray the rosary.

Tips for Teaching Children to Pray the Rosary

1. Listen to saint stories.

Just before Christmas, I bought the girls the entire Glory Stories series from Holy Heroes. We spend quite a bit of time in the truck and I was always looking for new listening materials. The girls loved the new stories. Many of the saints had a close relationship with Mary and talked about praying the rosary or asking Mary for help. In particular, the story of the children of Fatima mentions Mary’s request for everyone to pray the rosary.

Holy Heroes Glory Stories help children learn about the faith and develop an interest in praying the rosary.

2. Provide lots of rosaries.

The girls have gotten several rosaries as gifts and have always liked playing with them, though we try to explain that the rosaries aren’t necklaces. Recently, I was visiting a friend and noticed that she had a jar of rosaries on her coffee table, ready to grab for prayers. When I got home, I collected all of our rosaries and found a pretty cup to put them in, where the girls could grab them and choose which rosary they wanted to pray with.

3. Teach the mysteries of the rosary.

The girls have quickly learned the prayers to the rosary, as I did. However, I must confess I barely know the mysteries. Lately, I’ve been trying to learn the mysteries and explain to the girls that while we’re asking Mary to pray for us, we’re thinking about various events in Jesus’ life.

The Happy Saints Holy Rosary ebook has helped with this, as the girls can color a picture while we’re praying that mystery. The ebook also has large and small prayer cards and posters. I like how easy it is to print whichever posters or coloring sheets I want to use with the girls.

Happy Saints Holy Rosary ebook helps children learn to pray the rosary.

4. Pray the rosary with friends.

We’ve had various opportunities to pray the rosary with our friends. Last year we participate in a living rosary at Sunshine’s school. We’ve also prayed together at Catholic family camp or stayed for prayers before or after Mass. It’s good for the girls to see others following this devotion, especially when they see other kids their age praying the rosary.

5. Create a shrine.

Sunshine was recently given a small statue of Mary. My husband had already found a shelf for her room, and she decided to make it into a Mary shelf. She keeps her Mary statue, rosary and a candle there, along with a prayer card and a light she made at a church even.

Sunshine's Mary shrine includes a statue of Mary, a candle, rosaries, and a prayer card.

In Lily’s room, we put up another shelf with another Mary statue (given to her several years ago) along with candles. Again, these are great visuals for the girls to look at when praying or just a daily reminder to stop and pray.

A Mary shrine with a statue and two candles.

6. Develop your own devotion to Mary.

As a convert, one of my greatest reservations about joining the Church was what the Church teaches about Mary. This is completely foreign to most Protestant denominations and it has taken me a long time to overcome that prejudice. Becoming a mother, and particularly the stress I faced with Lily’s birth, helped me draw closer to Mary. Lately, several books we’ve read have also deepened my understanding of the Church’s devotion to Mary and how this can help me draw closer to Jesus.

If you’re looking for resources, I recommend Hail, Holy Queen by Scott Hahn (a Catholic convert), 33 Days to Morning Glory: A Do-It Yourself Retreat in Preparation for Marian Consecration by Michael E. Gaitley (a very readable introduction to Marian consecration which uses the lives of St. Louis de Montfort, St. Maximilian Kolbe, St. Mother Theresa and St. Pope John Paul II as examples), and Mysteries of the Virgin Mary: Living Our Lady’s Graces by Fr. Peter John Cameron (an excellent explanation of what the Church teaches about Mary and why it matters).

7. Make your own rosary.

Sunshine and I both enjoy doing crafts. We’ve made a couple rosaries and rosary bracelets. There’s something very meaningful about choosing the beads and medals for the rosary yourself, and then prayerfully stringing them together.

Wooden rosary

These rosaries can be as simple as pony beads on a string, or as complicated as birthstones and gold medals. Rosary bracelets are also an easy way to start (and a good craft to make as part of a church group or club).

Do you pray the rosary as a family? What things have helped you with teaching children to pray the rosary?

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  1. Nadine March 3, 2015
    • Bonnie Way March 18, 2017

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