A Chat with Esther of the Rosary Bracelet Shoppe

Today, I’m delighted to share a brief interview with Esther, a fellow work-at-home mom. Esther’s company, the Rosary Bracelet Shoppe, provides kits for children and adults to make their own rosary bracelets. Recently, Esther started offering workshops in Catholic schools. Here, Esther shares some of the inspiration behind her business and what a rosary workshop looks like.

An interview with Esther of the Rosary Bracelet Shoppe by the Koala Mom

TKM: First, tell us a bit about yourself and the Rosary Bracelet Shoppe.

Esther: I started a jewelry making birthday party business 8 years ago when I was expecting my first daughter.  I wanted to find a way to stay at home with her while still making an income.  I loved making jewelry, and I loved kids, so it was the perfect job for me.  I love being a part of such a special and happy occasion.

TKM: What inspired you to start offering rosary making workshops?

Esther: When my younger daughter started full-time school, I wanted to work while they were at school so I could spend weekends with them.  I started offering school programs and while doing this I saw a need for First Communion workshops, so I created a rosary bracelet workshop.

TKM: What happens at a rosary making workshop?

Esther: We bring kits for all the children at the school who are doing their First Communion. In a 45-minute workshop, we help them put the bracelet together and then attach the clasp.  Because the children put the bracelet together themselves, they learn the significance of all the beads, which is so important.  We love how proud the children are of their creations, and the teachers often report back to us that they wear their bracelets to school every day.

Esther doing a rosary bracelet workshop

TKM: Do you have a business space or do you work from home?

Esther: I have a home office where I answer emails, work on marketing and prepare for my events.  I love being able to do laundry and cook dinner while getting all my work done.  But of course, as every mom knows, it is always hard to find that balance.

TKM: Why do you think the Rosary is so important for Catholics?

Esther: I think the rosary is so important because it provides us with a chance to meditate and focus on God.  It provides us with all the many benefits of prayer.   We are so happy that our bracelets provide children with an opportunity to pray and are a reminder to children to pray daily.

Girls' hands clasped with a rosary bracelet on her wrist

Esther provided rosary bracelets for our homeschool girls’ club to make their own rosaries. The kits start at $7 and are a great idea for schools, clubs and more! If your school or club would be interested in making their own rosaries, check out the Rosary Bracelet Shoppe website for more information.

The Rosary Bracelet Shoppe

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