How to Keep Life Simple {guest post by Janis Cox}

The other day, as I was thinking of all the tasks on my to-do list, I suddenly wondered what Ma Ingalls would think of everything I was trying to accomplish in a day.  Computers, cell phones and social media would be totally mind-boggling to women of even a hundred years ago. It made me think about slowing down, simplifying my life a bit. Today, author Janis Cox is here to share some tips for doing just that.

Years ago I read a wonderful book called In Praise of Slow by Carl Honore. I can’t remember everything I read but his whole premise was that we are moving to a greater speed all the time. This can lead to stress and sickness.

These days our culture teaches that faster is better. But in the race to keep up, everything suffers—our work, diet and health, our relationships and sex lives. We are in such a hurry that anyone or anything that slows us down becomes the enemy.

I ask you, “What are we keeping up with?”

I know I suffered from this problem. I was pulled in deeper and deeper into marketing and social media. God told me STOP.

I believe God wants me to write. But He does not want me to get so involved in the other stuff. My health didn’t suffer but my spirit did.

I am a “fact-finder.” I go down trails to find facts, learn them, use them and then look for new adventures. But the Lord is showing me that more is not necessarily better.

So I have decided to simplify my life. I will still be watching and waiting every day in expectation to see what God will bring. But I am focusing only on what God would have me do to keep life simple.

How to Keep Life Simple (original artwork by Janis Cox)

As Jesus sent his disciples into the world He told them:

Jesus now called the Twelve and gave them authority and power to deal with all the demons and cure diseases. He commissioned them to preach the news of God’s kingdom and heal the sick. He said, “Don’t load yourselves up with equipment. Keep it simple; you are the equipment. And no luxury inns—get a modest place and be content there until you leave. If you’re not welcomed, leave town. Don’t make a scene. Shrug your shoulders and move on.” (Luke 9:1-5 , The Message).

How are you doing? Are you trying to do everything? Be everything? Do you have time to sit and listen to our Lord?

How can you make your life a little simpler? (click to tweet!)

Ask Jesus and He will show you how to keep life simple.

May I pray for you and me?

Lord, help us to make wise choices with our time. Help us to lead simple but full lives. Help us to keep You as our equipment. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Please send me your prayer requests. I promise I will lift them to God on your behalf. Send them to Janis at authorjaniscox at gmail.com.

Janis is the author of the award winning children’s book, Tadeo Turtle, published by Word Alive Press, now available in Kindle Format, in bookstores, online and from her website. A free curriculum is also available upon request (email authorjaniscox at gmail.com). Janis also is a contributor to Hope Stream Radio; join her there on Tuesdays and Saturdays. You can also find her on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter.

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