I Love Toopy and Binoo DVD Review

Friendship and creativity are two values I want to instill in my girls. I love listening to them playing together and creating stories with each other. And these are two values I see when they’re watching Toopy and Binoo. This show features two little friends who come up with great imaginary adventures together.

For Valentine’s Day, kaboom! kids has put together two special collections, I Love Toopy and I Love Binoo. Each collection has 90 minutes of fun with these two friends as they play and explore together.


I received these DVDs for review courtesy of Kaboom! Kids; all opinions expressed are my own. This post contains affiliate links; as an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

I Love Binoo overview

I Love Binoo features several episodes where Toopy does something special for Binoo, whether for Valentine’s Day or Christmas or his birthday. Binoo reminds me a bit of Jade; he can give yes and no answers, so Toopy has to ask him several different questions to find out what he wants. It’s a great way to remind the girls to be gentle and patient with their sister, just as Toopy is patient and gentle with his friend Binoo.

Lily’s favourite episode on this DVD was “Sparkle Binoo,” in which Toopy gives Binoo a card covered with glitter. When Binoo shakes the card, the glitter ends up on his shoes, then on all of him. The glitter turns out to be pixie dust that makes Binoo fly. As the sparkles fall on the snow, flowers and lollipops and umbrellas and other things grow out of them.


I Love Toopy overview

I Love Toopy has fourteen fun episodes about Toopy, from “Baby Toopy” to “Jungle Toopy” and “Toopy Goes Bananas.” I love the way that Binoo never says anything, yet he often sees things that Toopy doesn’t or does things that Toopy can’t. Again, it’s a good way to talk with the girls about the way that we’re all different and have different abilities, but we can still be friends and appreciate each other.

Sunshine’s favourite episode on this DVD was “Baby Toopy,” when Toopy pretends to be a baby and Binoo pushes him around in a stroller. At first Toopy doesn’t have a diaper, so Binoo puts a diaper on him, and then Toopy pulls it off and runs around naked. Then Binoo gives him milk and he grows into a big Toopy again and Binoo becomes the baby.

Have Fun with Toopy and Binoo!

Each episode on these DVDs is pretty short (ten or fifteen minutes) and, unlike many other DVDs, there is no “play all” feature. The girls had fun picking which episode they wanted to watch. Or it was easy to turn on one or two episodes for a short time when I need them quiet to make a phone call or finish laundry.

Encourage your kids to have more fun with their little friends by checking out the karaoke, activities and more on the official website.

Are your kids fans of Toopy and Binoo?

If you are looking for more great kids’ DVDs, check out Big Block SingSong.

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  1. Angie February 27, 2015
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  7. Silvia D February 19, 2015
  8. Cheryl February 16, 2015
  9. Elva Roberts February 14, 2015
  10. Sarah at Journeys of The Zoo February 12, 2015

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