Best Books of 2015

Ah, it’s that time of year again—time to look at the books I’ve read and think about which ones I’d like to read again someday. That has become my marker of a “good book,” because there are always so many more books to read! The ones that I really like end up on my bookshelf, because good stories stick with you and make you want to come back to them again.

And so, here’s my list of best books of 2015.


Best Books of 2015: Fiction

The Memory Weaver by Jane Kirkpatrick—historical fiction set in Oregon, USA, this novel tells the story of Eliza Spalding Warren, the daughter of a famous missionary couple. With impeccable historical details and deep psychological insight, this is one of Kirkpatrick’s best novels.

Together With You by Victoria Bylin—contemporary fiction, this romance is the story of a little girl with FASD and two people who love her… and in doing so, find love and healing in each other as well. I enjoyed this author’s treatment of a tough topic (oh, and it’s a good love story too).

One Last Thing by Rebecca St. James and Nancy Rue—these authors have appeared on my best books list in the past (and likely will in the future). I love the way they tackle tough topics (in this novel: pornography) and, like Kirkpatrick, really get into their characters’ psychological struggles. This was a page-turning novel with several unexpected twists that kept me wanting more until the very end.

Thing of Beauty by Lisa Samson—contemporary fiction, this novel is the story of a former child actress, daughter of an actor and an actress, and her struggle with… life in general. Samson is good at slightly quirky, unusual characters and this novel was no different. I enjoyed the way her strange set of friends helped Fiona find healing.

Firebird by Kathy Tyers—science fiction, this novel is high action and intense. I loved the way Tyers spins faith into a story full of technical details and faraway worlds. I should add that this is the first novel in a trilogy and you’ll want to read all three once you’ve started the first…


Best Books of 2015: Nonfiction

The Mindful Mom-to-Be by Lori Bregman—written by a doula with a couple decades of experience, this is one of the most practical, hands-on pregnancy books I’ve read.

The Ancient Path by John Michael Talbot—a singer/songwriter takes a look at the ancient Church Fathers and shares his own journey into the Catholic Church.

Snowdrift by Lisa McGonigle—the memoirs of an Irish girl chasing the ski bum life in Canada and New Zealand, this book is a fun and interesting look at Canada and “working holidays.”

What was your favourite book from this past year? What books are you hoping to read this year?

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