The Canadian Online Homeschool Conference: Inspiration at your fingertips

The Canadian Online Homeschool Conference is now available on YOUR computer with tons of information and advice on homeschooling, education, parenting and more!

Canadian Online Homeschool Conference - all access pass only $97!

Lisa Marie Fletcher, blogger and homeschool mom extraordinaire, has put together a wealth of information for homeschoolers. With stellar homeschool speakers from across Canada, the Canadian Online Homeschool Conference has sessions for parents with children from preschool to high school.

The live events are over now, but you can still listen to all the videos and sessions online! A complete access pass to the conference gets you lifetime access to all the content, so you can watch and listen as your leisure. Your kids are a few years away from high school? That’s okay! Grab the videos now, watch and get ideas, and then listen to them again when you get closer to teaching high school.

Canadian Online Homeschool Conference - all access pass only $97!

And yes, I’m contributing to the conference too. When Lisa asked for speakers, I thought, “I’m too new at homeschooling. What can I talk about?” Then I thought about something I often bring to homeschooling discussions with my friends here in Vancouver—my own experience as a homeschooler.

I’m a second-generation homeschooler. While I know a few other second-generation homeschoolers, we are a slightly rare bunch. Homeschooling is becoming much more common now than it was when I was a kid (thankfully!). There are so many resources available to homeschoolers now—like this conference! Still, I know many homeschool moms have doubts because it seems like a “new” education trend.

So my talk at the Canadian Online Homeschool Conference is about my own homeschooling experience… the good, the bad, and why I loved it and decided to homeschool my own daughters. I hope to inspire you in your homeschooling journey!

Canadian Online Homeschool Conference - all access pass only $97!

There are tons of other amazing sessions at the Canadian Online Homeschool Conference, including:

  • How to Homeschool in Canada (Lisa Marie Fletcher)
  • Charlotte Mason Homeschooling (Nadine Dyer)
  • What is Classical Education? (Hester vanBraeden)
  • Using Your Public Library to the Max (Edna Latone)
  • Homeschooling a Large Family (Rebecca Spooner)
  • The Big Picture of Home Education (Bonnie Landry)

To find out more about the Canadian Online Homeschool Conference, check out this video:

Not a homeschooler? Some of the conference sessions will appeal to parents in general. Check out “Technology as a Tool, Not a Danger or a Distraction” or “Using Your Public Library to the Max.” You may also enjoy “Nurturing Competent Communicators” and “Helping Your Child Overcome Math Anxiety.”

Not Canadian? While all the speakers are Canadian homeschoolers, many of the topics look like they’d appeal to homeschoolers in general. Again, I invite you to browse the sessions and bookmark those that interest you.

Drop by the website to buy your complete access pass to all the videos. The pass is only $97 and you get to watch and listen from the comfort of your own home (or car!).

I’m an affiliate for this conference, as well as a speaker, so This post contains affiliate links; as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

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  1. Kerry February 10, 2017
  2. Sarah TUN January 30, 2017
    • Bonnie Way February 11, 2017

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