Passionate Purpose: Behind the Blog with Amy Thomas

It’s time to go behind the blog again! Today I’m excited to introduce you to Amy Thomas, a fellow Catholic mom blogger. She’s the blogger behind Passionate Purpose. Like me, Amy is a convert and a homeschool mom. I’ll let her tell you more about herself and her blog!

Behind the Blog with Amy Thomas from Passionate Purpose

TKM: Tell us a bit about yourself.

Amy: I’m a born and bred Kansas girl who was whisked away, 15 years ago, by a man in a uniform.   I’ve been living the Air Force life for the last 14 years with my husband, Dustin.  I’m a criminologist by trade, but for the last seven years I’ve been homeschooling our children. It’s been such a huge blessing for our family; one we never saw coming.  I have three kids, two girls and one boy.

In 2009, I converted to Catholicism after spending most of my life loathing Catholics and thinking that they were an evil cult.  I’m passionate about many things: God and Christianity, my family, truth, reading, football, cooking, working out, exploring new places, visiting religious sites, and holidays.  I find a lot of joys in this life.

TKM: When and why did you start blogging?

Amy: I really struggled for a long time feeling unimportant as a stay-at-home mom.  Our culture does a pretty good job of looking down on taking care of the home and children.  So I initially started writing to have a “intelligent” outlet.  I eventually got over feeling unimportant, because I recognized the importance of what I do and how I contribute greatly to my family.

Now, I blog at Passionate Purpose because there is so, so, so much untruth out there that I feel someone has to tackle it.  I love writing and I love educating myself through research, reading, and asking questions.  I like to teach through my writing.  In many ways, I feel that I’m a teacher at heart.

TKM: How did you come up with Passionate Purpose for your blog name?

Amy: I’m a big fan of Matthew Kelly.  He talks a lot about having passion and purpose, so I kind of tied those two things together and came up with Passionate Purpose.  Also, one thing that my husband says he loves about me is my passion, so I felt the name really fit me well.

TKM: Do you have a blog schedule or do you post when you feel like?

Amy: I wish I had a blog schedule!  Lol!  It’s my goal to get something out each week, but with three very active kiddos, homeschooling, teaching confirmation, and all the stuff in between, I find it hard sometimes.  I do have a monthly scheduled blog where I feature a Christian married couple for the month.  That post I can always count on.

TKM: What is your favorite part about blogging?

Amy: I love researching and finding truth.  I especially love when I can dispel some myth about Catholicism.

I love hearing that my blog has reached someone.  I stated before that I do a monthly featured married couple blog.  I recently was told by an atheist that she has been forwarding those blogs to a couple that were on the brink of divorce.  They have found more wisdom and help in those blogs than from the counselor they have been going to.  They have pulled back from divorce and realize that they have been viewing marriage all wrong.  I love hearing those kinds of things.

TKM: What advice would you offer other bloggers?

Amy: Write about what lights your fire.  I’ve tried to write posts about things I think people might want to read.  But, when I’m not super interested, I feel like I slog through the writing process.  When I’m really passionate about what I’m writing about, it takes me no time at all to knock it out.

TKM: What is your favorite social media platform and why?

Amy: Facebook.  I like it the best because I feel like it’s the space where you can have a more legit conversation.  I feel like with Instagram, people don’t really pay attention to what they are liking, they just robotically like things.  I’ve never been able to get into Twitter.  So, it’s Facebook mostly for me.  I like to talk and discuss things and I feel like it is the best platform for that.

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