Snuza Hero Delivers Peace of Mind

I received the Snuza Hero Portable Baby Movement Monitor to try out with Pearl; here’s why I was excited about that and what I think of it. All opinions expressed are my own, of course.

As Pearl’s nap time approaches two hours, a debate begins in my head. While I’m glad that she’s sleeping so well, and enjoying the baby-free time to do school with the girls or get some housework done, I start to wonder if she’s okay. Maybe I should check on her. But if I check on her, I might wake her up, and she’s sleeping so well, so I should just get one more thing done… but she’s really been sleeping for quite a while, so perhaps I could just tiptoe in…

It’s a debate I’m sure every parent is familiar with. Worrying seems to come with being a parent, and doesn’t stop even when our kids are sleeping. However, with the Snuza Hero Portable Baby Movement Monitor, you can worry less about your infant.

Snuza Hero Portable Baby Movement Monitor Delivers Peace of Mind

The Snuza Hero Portable Baby Movement Monitor is just what it sounds like. About the size of a soother, the monitor clips onto your baby’s diaper. A soft, rubber tip rests gently against baby’s stomach, monitoring baby’s breathing and motion while baby sleeps. If motion stops, the monitor makes a gentle vibration. If that fails to rouse baby, then the monitor sounds an alarm.

Snuza Hero Portable Baby Movement MonitorThe Hero arrived in our house on the same day Pearl did. In my newborn haze, though, it took me a few days to actually try it on Pearl. Even though it’s tiny, it seemed big compared to her tiny diaper. When I had it clipped on and her sleeper done up, I barely even noticed it—though I could see a tiny green light blinking through her sleeper, to assure me that the monitor was on and working.

I tucked Pearl in for her nap. It was nice to know that the monitor was with her, making sure she was okay. After her nap, when I changed her diaper, I placed the Snuza Hero gently on the counter for a bit. Since it was still on, it was still working, and after a minute of sensing no movement from baby, it vibrated. Then I discovered I hadn’t read the instructions thoroughly enough, as I couldn’t figure out how to turn it off. While I was trying to find the “off” button, the Hero panicked about the baby it thought it was monitoring and let off the alarm. It’s a very loud alarm, I assure you—enough to waken any baby or summon parents from any part of the house.

(To turn it off, by the way, you need to press two buttons at the same time. This makes sure it doesn’t accidentally get turned off, I guess. One button on, easy peasy; two buttons off.) It also comes with a little plastic case, to protect it from inquisitive older siblings or other hazards when it’s not attached to baby’s diaper.

Snuza Hero monitor clipped on baby's diaper

Now during Pearl’s naptimes, the Snuza Hero Portable Baby Movement Monitor provides peace of mind that she’s having a good nap. Knowing it’s watching out for her, I can make the most of naptimes, instead of worrying about her and tiptoeing in to check on her.

For more information about the Snuza Hero Portable Baby Movement Monitor, check out their website. You can also find Snuza on social media.

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