ICWF supports Canadian Christian writers

Inscribe Christian Writer’s Fellowship, or ICWF, is a Christian writers’ organization founded in Alberta in 1980. Now, Inscribers can be found across Canada. They often come together during events hosted by the organization, and find inspiration in the quarterly writers’ magazine, FellowScript.

If you’re a budding Canadian writer looking for support and inspiration, I highly recommend checking out Inscribe. I’ve been involved with ICWF for the past decade and they’ve been a big part of my evolution as a writer.

Here’s a quick look at some of the benefits of membership in Inscribe Christian Writers Fellowship.

Inscribe Christian Writers Fellowship or ICWF


ICWF Fall Conference

Inscribe hosts an annual Fall Conference in Edmonton, Alberta. This event brings together writers from across Alberta and other provinces for three days of writing inspiration, advice, and networking.

I’ve attended the ICWF Fall Conference every year for the last decade. It is always good to see many other writers who have also been there for quite a few other conferences, and to meet new writers.

I first met Kathleen Gibson, one of the main speakers this year, ten years ago. She still remembered me and we were able to catch up quickly. I had to confess to her that, though I had taken her advice to always have a business card on me to heart, I didn’t have any with me at this conference! Sunshine had fun playing with my last stash and with work keeping me busy for the last couple weeks, I didn’t get new ones made up.

I’ve met many of my favourite authors at Fall Conference, including

Annual Writing Contest

ICWF holds an annual writing contest every year in conjunction with the Fall Conference. I entered for many years and placed a few times (I still have my award certificates!). I’ve also helped with the judging for the contests (in years I didn’t enter).

As a new writer, the ICWF contest was always inspiring to me. The judges provided feedback on my entries, so whether I placed or not, I learned more about what I’d done well (or not so well). Winning entries are always published in FellowScript, which also let me learn by reading good writing.

Last year, I set myself the goal of entering most of the categories in the Fall Contest. Despite leaving things until the last minute and having to quickly put together my entries, I managed to enter three pieces: a devotional, a short short story, and a creative nonfiction piece.

During the awards time, I was busy with the book table when I heard my name called. I won second prize for my short short story. That was a huge encouragement, especially since it came with a cheque.

Inscribe Spring WorDshop

Every spring, ICWF hosts small wordshops across Canada. These were originally held in Calgary, Alberta, but have also been organized in Okotoks, Saskatoon, and other cities.


FellowScript is published four times per year by ICWF for its members. This 30-page magazine is packed with practical tips and advice for writers of all genres and abilities. It’s now available in print as well as online subscriptions.

FellowScript, the quarterly magazine published by Inscribe Christian Writers Fellowship

I was the editor of this magazine for several years between my first and second degrees—editing FellowScript was actually how I became an editor! I learned about graphic design, publishing, editing, and more while working with my fellow Inscribers to put this magazine together.

Notable Inscribers

Over the last few years, I’ve had the opportunity to interview quite a few of my fellow members of Inscribe Christian Writers Fellowship. They’ve shared their stories of becoming writers, what inspires them to write, and who their favourite authors are.

If you are a Canadian Christian writer looking for support, tips, and encouragement, I highly recommend that you check out Inscribe Christian Writers Fellowship! Drop by their website to explore membership, events, and more.

Are you a member of a writers fellowship? How do you find support and encouragement as a writer?

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  1. Loren Christie October 8, 2009
  2. Koala Bear Writer October 1, 2009
  3. Bonnie October 1, 2009
  4. Koala Bear Writer September 30, 2009
  5. Steena Holmes September 29, 2009

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