Could Youth Worker Be the Perfect Career for You?

If you’re considering a return to work after years of being a stay-at-home mom, a career as a youth worker could be the perfect opportunity. Your experience in raising and teaching your own children is directly related to this career field. You’ll get to work closely with young people and help them with a whole range of issues, from behavioral problems to teenage pregnancies.

Today, a career as a youth worker means you need a three-year degree in community studies (or at least a 12-month diploma in youth work from online course providers like TSA). You could work towards this degree or diploma while your own children are in school. (My mom returned to university to finish her degree when my younger brother started university.)

But will it be worth the time away from your children? Will it be enough to fulfill your financial needs? And is it a good long-term move?

There must be a million questions going through your head. Here’s more information about this career to help you consider whether it would be a good fit for you and your goals.

Could Youth Worker Be the Perfect Career for You?

It’s Incredibly Rewarding

Easily the most important reason why going for a career as a youth worker is perfect for you is the feeling of gratification that accompanies it.

Simply knowing you are actively participating in making the world a better place for someone is an achievement on its own. You will be responsible for things like providing emotional support and guidance to children from unstable backgrounds. And as a youth worker, you’ll be able to make a real difference in their lives and pave their way for a brighter future.

There is no denying that children and youth are our future. And as a youth worker, you get to turn this statement into a reality.

You Can Develop Innovative Skills

Working as a youth worker will teach you some vital life skills.

Yes, you’ll learn about specific youth-work-related subjects but you’ll also gain plenty of skills that employers want. These include management, problem-solving, fundraising, supervision, and presentation skills. Hey, as a mom, you’re probably already pretty good at problem-solving and supervision and a host of other skills that will fit well with this job.

What’s more, you will learn how to deal with difficult situations. As a youth worker, you’ll likely encounter many at-risk children who might be facing issues like substance abuse, homelessness, or the loss of a parent. Learning how to deal with those children (with all their emotional baggage) is a skill you can only gain as a youth worker.

And gaining such experiences will help you move upwards in your career as a social worker.

You’ll Get to Work with New Faces Every Day

If you find the idea of working with the same set of people every day boring and are continuously looking for a change, this job is perfect for you.

You also get to work on a range of different projects in different places. For instance, you may tackle issues like drugs one week and the following week your job could be to organize activities such as drama or sports. The next week you might find yourself counseling children. And again, nothing is more rewarding than shaping young minds.

It Pays Well

Working as a youth worker is a substantial contribution to society. But it also pays well!

Since not many people know about youth workers and what they do, this field lacks individuals. This means there is ample career growth opportunity and the salary is satisfactory (although it varies depending on the place, organization, work, and designation you work at).

You Get to Help Parents with Problematic Children

If you like helping others strengthen their relationships — especially helping parents communicate with their children better — then you should know that becoming a youth worker is all about spreading joy.

Not all children and adolescents belong to an unstable background. Sometimes, the problem lies with the children, making it challenging for parents to communicate with them properly. This typically leads to family unrest but may sometimes cause grave issues (like kids running away from their homes).

As a youth worker, you get to help parents understand their problematic children by counseling them and showing them your constant support. You also get to arrange support groups and hold meetings where parents share their experiences and learn from each other.

And that’s a wrap…

So if you are passionate about helping young people and contributing to your community — or simply want an exciting career with decent pay — working as a youth worker could be perfect for you.

All you need to do is weigh the pros and cons and decide whether you’re ready to enter this field, get the required training, and you’re good to go!

Are you considering going back to work once your children grow up? Would a career as a youth worker interest you?

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash.

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