Are Homeschooled Kids Socialized? Two Homeschool Moms Answer!

One question that keeps coming up in homeschool circles and about homeschooling is whether homeschooled kids are socialized. I admit that, as a homeschool graduate and homeschool mom, I have to suppress an eyeroll when I hear this word come up. Lots of homeschoolers have answered this question over the past two or three decades. Yet the question keeps coming up and it is something that I think about in educating my daughters at home.

So I’ve collaborated with a homeschool mom blogger friend of mine, Clara from Simply Clarafying, about this topic. We both answered “Are homeschooled kids socialized?” via video for you, providing our perspectives. Clara is a veteran homeschool mom with ten years of experience in educating her three children at home. She’s also participated in homeschool co-ops with other homeschoolers and taught homeschool writing classes.

Are Homeschooled Kids Socialized? Two Homeschool Moms Answer!

Here’s my video with Clara about whether homeschooled kids are socialized:

And here’s what Clara has to say about socialization:


Homeschooled kids are well socialized because they are able to participate in a variety of activities that foster positive social interaction between kids of varying ages.

One things I talked about in my video was the challenge of rural homeschooling. Sarita agrees, saying, “Now that we live almost 40 minutes from the closest city, I have to be much more intentional about finding social activities for the kids, and also for me.” She shares her tips on how to overcome isolation while homeschooling in remote areas.

Lisa Marie also echoes what both Clara and I say in our videos: “Homeschoolers generally don’t stay locked up in their homes and never venture out into the world. Most of them are actively involved with others: taking part in homeschooling groups, classes, activities, and programs. They join extra-curricular clubs like scouts. They join sports teams. They play at the playground. They go to stores. They have neighbours and friends. They are part of the communities they live in.”

What Other Homeschool Moms Say about Socialization

As a homeschooling mom and former teacher, I can tell you one thing teachers get wrong. Homeschooling is no more insular nor isolating than our modern school model. Teachers praise the benefits of working with those you barely tolerate, but they ignore the social climate such environments have bred. Our society mirrors the system that shaped us. To cast homeschooling as inferior because the practice removes children from diversity and collaboration is to disregard our propensity to do the same in everyday life.” ~ Ginny from Not so Formulaic

Homeschooled children learn through real world experience, excelling in the very skills educators claim don’t exist. ~ Ginny

“In our homeschool, my children’s ‘surrounding culture’ can be many things. Culture is something that you create. I created a lovely culture as a classroom teacher and I was very proud of it. But my classroom culture didn’t extend out into the world like our homeschooling culture does.” ~ Ana from They Call Me Blessed

Surprised koala: "So you're saying I've been worried about socialization for nothing?"

“Sure, there are definitely consequences if you don’t socialize your kids (a noseful of BO or a blank stare when it’s not socially acceptable), but there are worse consequences of involving them in peer groups which teach them bad things and exert negative peer pressure (drug and alcohol use & premature sexual activity are just some of the disadvantages).” ~ Rebecca from How I Do Homeschool

“If socialization is defined as acquiring the skills, habits, and knowledge necessary to for adult status (Merriam-Webster) then what does that mean for the 43% of Americans age 18 to 25 who were living with their parents in 2010? Most of them received a traditional education. This indicates that the best method to guide a child to the highest functional adult status for that individual needs to be customized to that child.” ~ Bea in 50 Socialization Ideas for Homeschoolers

Ryan Gosling: "Hey girl, tell that cashier we sociallize our dogs. We educate our children."

“Being in a closed environment where they are segregated by age group like they are in a school setting doesn’t provide a wider range of social experiences that are offered in a homeschooling family. Homeschooling groups are often inclusive of a variety of age groups – from baby to teens as well as their parents. Kids learn how to interact with all these varieties and with adults as well. Even if they are with their family 99% of the time, there are plenty of learning opportunities for what is socially acceptable and what is not.” ~ Lisa Marie from the Canadian Homeschooler

“The funny myth is that homeschooled children will be recluses and become messed up in the future. It is entirely incorrect, and you don’t need to worry about it.” Check out these tips for organizing social activities for your homeschooled child.

What do you think about homeschooling and socialization? Is it a concern for you?

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