I’m a Norwex Independent Sales Consultant!

I’ve been using Norwex products since Sunshine (my oldest) was just a baby. A friend of mine introduced me to Norwex’s chemical-free cleaning system and I was hooked. Over the years, I’ve supported various friends in their Norwex businesses, accumulating and appreciating more and more products. Then one of my friends said, “Hey, you should start your own business.” So I became a Norwex independent sales consultant!

chemical free home. time saving products. save money cleaning. shop now.

What is Norwex?

Norwex stands for “the Norwegian Experience” and is a company that started in Norway. Their signature product is their microfiber. The threads in each cloth are 1/1000 the size of a human hair, meaning they are very “sticky” and pick up tons of dirt. Most of their microfiber cloths also contain antibacterial silver. This means that Norwex cloths not only pick up more of the dirt around your home, they also hold this dirt and kill any bacteria within the dirt. Now that’s clean!

Norwex Independent Sales Consultant

Why Use Norwex?

I have two big reasons for loving Norwex (besides the fact that these products save me time and money when cleaning). My reasons come down to other things I love: my girls and the land around me.

Chemical-Free is Better for Your Kids—and YOU!

I have four daughters, who are affected by whatever I bring into my house. Often, after I’d been cleaning, my husband would come home and ask, “What’s that smell?” I used to think it smelled clean. It was really just the smell of the chemicals I was using to clean. A clean house shouldn’t smell at all. And that’s what Norwex delivers.

Most Norwex products can be used with only water and still deliver the same level of clean standard household chemicals do. I haven’t used window cleaners in my home in years. I simply use water and my Norwex cloths. My windows are cleaner than before. Even better—I can let the girls clean the windows without worrying about the chemicals they’d be spraying and breathing in!

6-year-old washing a window with the Norwex window cloth

The girls often want to help me clean. When I’m using my Norwex products, I say, “Sure!” without any misgivings. It’s easy to give them the dusting mitt or the microfiber cleaning cloth and let them help out. I’m not worried about what chemicals they might spill or breathe or even just absorb through their skin. And if I’m worried about what chemicals they are using, I should be equally worried about using those chemicals myself.

6-year-old sweeping the floor with the Norwex mop

With Norwex, I can ditch the chemicals. That saves me money (no more buying cleaning supplies to pour down the drain!) while also keeping harmful chemicals out of my house. Thanks, Norwex!

Chemical-Free is Better for the Environment

I’ve always been a fan of nature. I grew up in rural Alberta and am proud of my family’s farming heritage. Summer vacations were always spent heading to the mountains, enjoying pristine wilderness views that could only be accessed by foot. Nature is my happy place, a place that inspires me and draws me closer to God.

Then I moved to the West Coast a few years ago. This really is “Beautiful BC” and I’ve come to appreciate the wonders of nature all over again. I was completely shocked when I learned that Victoria pours its sewage waste straight into the ocean. How could this city—in an area considered “green” and “eco-focused” by the rest of Canada—simply dump its waste like this? Think about everything you flush down your drains. Now think about it in the oceans around your city. Blech.

Toddler dusting bookshelves with the Norwex dusting mitt

It may feel like we can’t make a difference. I mean, that’s a LOT of sewage getting flushed down Victoria’s drains. What’s one household compared to every other household in the city? Yet if you could save one Nemo or Dory… or ten… or twenty… by not using chemicals in your cleaning, wouldn’t it be worth it? That’s what I decided.

Maybe your city does treat its wastewater, as Vancouver and Edmonton and many other cities do. Even so, reducing chemicals in your household can make a big impact on what is put back into the environment.

How Can I Help You as a Norwex Independent Sales Consultant?

That’s why I use Norwex in my home. When my friend suggested I become a Norwex Independent Sales Consultant, I realize I already tend to rave to my friends about Norwex products. I’m so excited about creating a chemical-free home and about saving time and money in my cleaning that I just want to talk about it. Now, as a Norwex Independent Sales Consultant, I can help YOU make your home a safer space. We can work together to save the environment!

If you have any questions about Norwex, I’d be happy to answer them! I’ll be sharing more about my favourite Norwex products on my social media channels and here on the blog. You can also check out my Norwex website for more information about products and to place an order or book a party online.

Have you used Norwex products before? Which are your favourite? How can I help you as a Norwex Independent Sales Consultant?

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