8 Easy DIY Sewing Projects for You To Make at Home!

When I was growing up, my mom was always sewing. I inherited my love of fabrics and DIY sewing projects from her. Now, I have my own box of patterns and fabric and various ideas for creating new things for myself, my girls, or my home. I enjoy pulling out my sewing machine to turn something old into something new. It’s also fun to make matching things for the girls, or to create something at home that I can’t find in a store.

DIY sewing projects, including ideas for making party bunting, shoulder bags, shorts, tea cozies and more!

Here are a few cool ideas for easy DIY sewing projects I’d like to try to make! Some of these are easy enough that Sunshine could help make them. She’s been asking to learn to sew lately, which is inspiring me to get back at some projects. Maybe these ideas will inspire you as well!

If you’re interested in learning to sew or improving your sewing skills, consider taking embroidery classes. These classes are a great way to explore the art of embroidery and learn various stitching techniques from experienced instructors. You’ll have the opportunity to create beautiful embroidered designs and gain confidence in your sewing abilities. Whether you’re interested in hand embroidery or using an embroidery machine, there are classes available for every skill level.

DIY tea cozy

DIY Tea Cozy: Elizabeth uses lots of pictures and clear instructions to show how to make an adorable tea cozy (I’ve been wanting one of these! I’ll have to try this pattern!) This could also be a great gift idea.

DIY no-sew Roman blind

DIY No-Sew Roman Blind: Alicia shows how to make simple yet pretty Roman blinds to add style to any window.

DIY Tic-Tac-Toe game

DIY Tic Tac Toe Game: this adorable button-and-fabric version of the classic game is easy enough that kids can make it to give to their friends!

10 Minute Childrens Infinity Scarf Sewing Tutorial and Pattern

DIY Kids’ Infinity Scarf: Crystal shares how to make a kids’ infinity scarf (which her daughter looks pretty pleased about!) in this easy-to-follow tutorial with tons of pictures.

DIY cloth feminine pads

DIY Feminine Pads: I bought a set which I like, but I could easily add to my collection with this simple pattern.

DIY turn old jeans into shorts

DIY old jeans to shorts: Heather gives easy instructions for converting an old pair of jeans into shorts (I totally need to do this—I have a pair of jeans with a hole in the knee!).

Pants-to-Purse DIY shoulder bag

DIY Pants to Purse: If your pants are holey in the wrong places to turn into shorts, try making this shoulder bag!

Do you like doing DIY sewing projects? What sorts of things have you made recently? (Leave a link in the comments if you blogged about it!)

The DIY Dreamer

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  1. Kelly January 26, 2015
    • Bonnie Way January 29, 2015
  2. Suzanne Rudge January 25, 2015
    • Bonnie Way January 29, 2015
  3. Jenna Em January 25, 2015
    • Bonnie Way January 29, 2015
  4. Randa @ TBK January 24, 2015
  5. Aeryn Lynne January 24, 2015
    • Bonnie Way January 29, 2015

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