Join a Writer’s Critique Group

For years I’ve heard from writers—whether starting out or already published or bestsellers—that critique groups are important. Very important. Many famous writers attribute part of their success to the encouragement and assistance offered by fellow writers. One of the most famous critique groups is probably The Inklings, which C.S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien were part of.

Find a Critique Group

The only problem is—how do you find such a critique group? My first attempt at joining an online critique group fizzled. We submitted and critiqued for a few months, but then summer hit and we took a break that never ended. I was unable to find other writers in my geographical area, and too broke to pay for the critiques offered by numerous published authors willing to help newbies like me.


Some websites, like FanStory, FaithWriters, and CoffeeHouse for Writers offer online critiques. I’ve heard good things about FanStory but haven’t ventured to join yet. I posted one story in the FaithWriters critique forums, but found I was giving way more detailed critiques than I was receiving. “Great story” didn’t help me know where I needed to improve. Entering FaithWriters’ weekly challenges provided some feedback, in the form of readers’ comments and where I placed in the contest.

Recently, author and blogger, Steena Holmes, started her own critique group.  As Steena says, we all “need someone with fresh eyes to view my work and see those errors that I can’t see anymore.” I’ve jumped into Steena’s group and am looking forward to learning with her. If, like me, you’re also looking for a critique group, come join us.

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  1. Koala Bear Writer May 30, 2009
  2. Steena Holmes May 29, 2009
  3. Loren Christie May 29, 2009

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