3 Hobbies to Turn into Your Next Side Hustle

Engaging in hobbies is not only a great way to unwind, but with some practice and dedication, you can use them to bring in a little extra money each month.

With the rising cost of living causing many of us to feel the pinch this winter, finding ways to make some extra cash is a great way to take some of the weight from your shoulders – and wouldn’t you rather earn that money doing something you love?

If you’re ready to start up your own side hustle, then here are just three hobbies that you can turn into your own small business… and you never know, success could be just around the corner!

3 Hobbies to Turn into Your Next Side Hustle. Photo of woman holding tray of cupcakes via Depositphotos.

Cooking and Baking

If you’re creative in the kitchen, then consider creating a catering company. It doesn’t have to be big, especially if you’re on your own, but consider catering small parties and preparing buffets.

Similarly, it’s hard to ignore the appeal of handmade baked goods. So, if you’re able to bake mouth-watering muffins or fabulous flapjacks, then why not set up shop in your local market? A friend of ours in Victoria enjoyed baking so much that he opened his own bakery; it was a huge hit, as he baked unique and traditional breads that were in high demand.

Or, for the more elegant bakers out there, why not turn your hand to wedding cakes. Wedding cakes are a premium purchase, with couples spending more for their big day than they usually ever would on a cake. Birthday cakes are also a great opportunity to earn money. I paid a friend to make a pirate cake for Lily’s 4th birthday party; I can bake cakes, but decorating is not my forte, and my friend’s cake was absolutely amazing and worth the money!


From knitting to painting, card making to sculpting, crafting hobbies are a great way for you to bring in a little extra cash. Studies show that customers are willing to pay more for handmade items, particularly when shopping for a gift for a loved one.

Of course, you need to practice your art, and make sure that you’re sourcing quality supplies. Research your suppliers and find someone that can provide you with both quality and quantity.

For example, if you’re a skillful sculptor, the experts at Ormiston Wire are used to providing artists with the wire they need for their projects. In fact, this year the company is celebrating their 230th anniversary, giving them centuries of wire manufacturing experience under their belts.


If you’re a wonderful wordsmith, then the next great novel might be just at your fingertips. With the rise of independent and self-publishing, it’s easier than ever for you to get your story out into the world.

In fact, with Kindle Direct Publishing from Amazon you can get your book published in less than ten minutes… though we recommend that you take a little longer than that to actually write a book!

Of course, it’s important to remember that marketing is essential. Use social media to advertise your products, draw in new customers, and stay on top of trends. Whether you want to show off your delicious goods or entice an audience for your new novel, social media is a great way to get your name out there!

Do you have a hobby that became a side hustle? Share your tips and suggestions in the comments below!

Need more inspiration? Check out these profitable work at home careers you could try!

Photo credit: Depositphotos.

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