88 Great Daddy-Daughter Dates by Rob and Joanna Teigen {book review}

One of my favourite childhood memories is washing my dad’s truck with him. Nearly every Sunday afternoon, we’d drive to the car wash in town. While he worked the wand, I stood by the coin dispenser, plugging in loonies every time the water stopped. As far as daddy-daughter dates go, it wasn’t terribly exciting, but it was an hour every week I got to spend with my dad.

Spending one-on-one time with our kids is very important. However, it can be tough to fit into our busy lives. With five kids, my husband and I have found it hard to make sure we get time with each of them regularly. That’s why I was excited about 88 Great Daddy-Daughter Dates: Fun, Easy and Creative Ways to Build Memories Together by Rob and Joanna Teigen. Also the parents of five children, Rob and Joanna share a slew of wonderful ways to date your daughters—plus why and how to make it happen.

I received this book for review courtesy of the publicist; all opinions expressed are my own. This post contains affiliate links.

So many voices surrounding our daughters tell them what they’re not: not thin enough, not stylish enough, not smart enough, not athletic enough, not, not, not. A dad can communicate to his daughter who she truly is: a beautiful child of a God who created her intentionally, has plans for her, and loves her with all his heart. This message is conveyed through time spent together, where affirmation, fun experiences, meaningful conversations, and prayers happen. ~ Rob and Joanna Teigen

Rob and Joanna start with 10 tips for successful daddy-daughter dates. These include putting your phone away, listening, being yourself, praying before you go out, and more. 88 Daddy-Daughter Dates will help you not just spend more time with your daughter, but spend quality time with her.

88 Great Daddy-Daughter Dates: Fun, Easy and Creative Ways to Build Memories Together by Rob and Joanna TeigenWhile this book is written to help dads bond with their daughters, I’ve also used the ideas in spending time with my girls. As a stay-at-home mom, I’m with them all day long—but with all of them. Often, my attention is focused on the youngest two (who need the most help!) or on the housework and other things that need to get done. I’ve realized my girls crave focused one-on-one time with me, when we’re not worried about keeping Joey out of the pots and pans or trying to get schoolwork done before the next activity starts.

Rob also talks about the importance of dating your spouse as well as your daughter. When I was in university, my dad took me out to a couple very fancy restaurants. However, at that time, my parents’ marriage was falling apart. While I appreciated the ritzy locations and my dad’s attention, I felt awkward knowing he wasn’t doing this for my mom. I couldn’t remember the last time my parents had been on a date. I wanted to tell Dad to take Mom out too, but by then, it was too late for them.

Most of the dates in 88 Great Daddy-Daughter Dates are simple activities, such as going for ice cream, watching a father-daughter movie together, or taking her for a haircut. Each father-daughter date idea includes a quick list of what you need to grab; e.g., camera, walking shoes, computer and printer, stapler, and markers for Date 35. This is followed by specific instructions for pulling off the date. Finally, there’s a section on growth, giving you things to discuss or learn from this activity. Many dates include a prayer.

“If you want to capture the heart of your daughter, this book is a great place to start!” ~ Dr. Kevin Leman, author of What a Difference a Mom Makes

At the back is a section on Extreme Dates. These father-daughter date ideas involve more money or time, such as dinner at a fancy restaurant or an overnight camping trip. Save these for special occasions or celebrations, like birthdays or the end of the school year. Finally, there’s 20 Great Daddy-Daughter Dates for You and Your Teenager and 28 Great Daddy-Daughter Conversation Starters. Rob also includes a list of resources with great books for dads and for your marriage, as well as online resources.

Grow a Great Relationship with Your Daughter with 88 Daddy-Daughter Dates by Rob and Joanna Teigen

One comment I often hear about my daughters is, “Just wait until they’re teenagers!” I really dislike this automatic assumption that they’ll rebel or become hard to get along after they turn 13. I believe 88 Great Daddy-Daughter Dates can help prevent this by helping parents develop great relationships with their daughters before the rough teen years hit. That great relationship can carry you through these years, when your daughter really needs you to listen and be there for her.

Dad, the teen years don’t have to be scary. When you take the time to invest in your daughter when she’s younger, you already have her heart. Your daughter’s teen years can be a season of enjoying the fruit of your labor in the early years. … Even though your daughter is establishing her independence, this is when she needs your guidance and protection the most. Give her space when she really needs it, but stay close by, be available, and make time for both her and the whole family. ~ Rob and Joanna Teigen

88 Great Daddy-Daughter Dates is a hands-on, practical book full of wisdom and advice from a dad who’s been there, done that. Whether you’re daughter is learning to walk or learning to drive, it’s not too soon (or too late!) to begin spending quality one-on-one time with her. Grab a copy of 88 Great Daddy-Daughter Dates and start planning your own date!

Rob and Joanna Teigen enjoy serving others through marriage mentoring, international student ministry, and sharing their passion for prayer. They are the authors of Mom’s Prayers for Her Son and A Dad’s Prayers for His Daughter. You can find them online at GrowingHomeTogether.com as well as on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter.

Do you try to date your daughter? What daddy-daughter date ideas (or mommy-daughter date ideas) would you suggest?

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