How I’m Loving My Face with Joyome Essentials

Earlier this year, I realized I need to put a bit more effort into my morning self-care routine. Since having kids, I’ve neglected myself. I wake up with the baby, have a shower, slap on my glasses, brush my hair and teeth, and get going. In the winter, if my skin turns scaly, I might haphazardly apply whatever lotion is handy—usually some sample I was given, or the lotion I use on the girls’ skin, or whatever I found on sale at the drugstore when I needed new lotion.

A few months ago, my friend Alissa asked me, “Do you still wear little to no makeup? How important is your facial skin to you and do you do anything particular for it?” Her questions highlighted something I’d been thinking about without taking action yet. No, I don’t take care of my face unless necessary. And that’s not the only aspect of self-care I’ve been neglecting. I don’t take time for prayer, Bible reading and journaling either, for my spiritual and mental wellness.

My Joyome Essentials Skincare Combo - and how I'm loving my face with them!

I received a discount on my Joyome products from Alissa in exchange for this post; all opinions expressed are my own. I am a Plexus ambassador, so I receive a commission on any products purchased via my referral number.

Joyome Essentials

So I said yes to Alissa’s recommendation of a new skincare product: Joyome Essentials. She said the lotions were “all natural, not greasy, with live active ingredients.” She ordered a Joyome combo for each of us. These lotions have become my reminder to take care of myself, because I look forward to using them each morning and evening. The Joyome Essentials are the loveliest skincare products I’ve ever tried!

Joyome Essentials are a 2-step skincare system. Apply the Illuminating Day Serum in the morning and the Intensive Overnight Repair in the evening. The day serum reduces the appearance of expression lines and pores, plumps and hydrates your skin, diminishes the appearance of dark circles and puffiness, and helps to control oil. The overnight lotion reduces deep lines, wrinkles, age spots and redness, and helps replenish and protect the skin’s moisture barrier.

My Before & After

I’m not a huge fan of selfies, but I took the required before-and-after selfies for the Joyome Essentials. I don’t have any particular skin problems (aside from trying to prevent occasional acne). While I love the products, I didn’t expect huge results, like others who’ve found the product helps with their acne, eczema or rosacea. So looking at these two pictures surprised me:

Before and after pictures from using the Joyome Essentials Skincare collection.

Do you see the difference? I took these pictures at the same time of day, in the same place, with my phone. I see a huge difference under my eyes. In the before picture, I’ve got those bags. In the after picture, the skin under my eyes is much tighter and less dark. I look happier and healthier, not like an overtired mama who needs coffee to get out of bed every morning and hasn’t got time to take care of herself. Because that’s not me… anymore.

Self-care for Moms

As moms, many of us are good at putting ourselves last. We the Facebook memes, about the moms who need coffee and wine to survive the day, who wear the same clothes for a week, who only put on jeans to go out, who never shower and just throw their hair in pony tails. I wince when I see these memes, because it makes us look bad. Honestly, what girl today would want to become a mom when that’s the image presented?

I want to stand up and say that image of motherhood is not the truth. I can be a mom of five kids who dresses nicely, showers daily, and puts some effort into my appearance. It’s important not only for my own self-care, but also because my daughters are watching me. I want them to know how to properly take care of themselves. No, we don’t have to spend hours applying makeup or thousands of dollars on the perfect wardrobe. But I can spend ten minutes applying a nice lotion, styling my hair, and praying before I jump into a day of homeschooling, housework, and blogging.

Plexus Joyome Essentials Skincare Combo

“This product is revolutionary. It’s safe, simple to use, packed with high-end effective ingredients, and delivers incredible results!” ~ Dr. Sarvenaz Zand, dermatologist

Alissa and I both found that our skin felt more moisturized after using Joyome Essentials. She says, “I am loving mine, so smooth and I feel like my skin is retaining it through the day.” (You can follow Alissa on Instagram to learn more about her Plexus journey.) I love the subtle rose scent of the evening serum. Just putting on my lotion every night is a great way to destress—breathe in, massage my face, let the day go. Alissa said she woke up feeling more put together!

Ready to try Joyome for Your Skincare Routine?

If you want to invest in yourself and your face, check out the Joyome Essentials Skincare Combo. If you’re ready to order, please use my referral number 901019081 when you do. If you have any questions about Joyome or other Plexus products, feel free to reach out to me via email or Instagram. I’d be happy to discuss Plexus’ amazing health and happiness products with you.

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  1. Alissa Bjorn September 13, 2018

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