Celebrate & Reflect on the Moments of Motherhood this Mother’s Day

This year, my oldest daughter turned ten. I don’t usually get super sentimental about my girls’ birthdays, but her tenth triggered a lot of reflection for me. Having a new baby once again, as she approached this milestone birthday, highlighted how much I’ve grown and changed in the last decade.

Flipping back through our photo albums and seeing the changes in both of us makes me smile. As I look back on these ten years (and ahead to the next), I find that it’s the small moments of motherhood that stand out to me.

Celebrate and Reflect on the Moments of Motherhood this Mother's Day

This post is brought to you by Precious Moments and contains affiliate links; all opinions expressed are my own.

Last weekend, I took the kids out for a walk. We had recently discovered some trails in our neighbourhood, and we went to explore them.

As we set out, I noticed Pearl’s shoelace was loose. She just started wearing a pair of white, tie-up running shoes that all four girls have worn. (At age two, they still outgrow shoes before wearing them out.) Since I had Joey in the wrap, I asked Lily to help Pearl with her shoe.

As Pearl held her foot forward, and Lily knelt on the sidewalk in front of her, making bunny ears with the laces, I whipped my cell phone from my back pocket. Lily heard the click of the picture being taken and laughed, “Mommy, why are you taking a picture of this?”

Sure, it’s a little moment… a shoelace being tied… a big sister helping… yet I’ve learned in the last ten years that it’s these little moments I cherish.

Two-year-old holding a silver Precious Moments necklace

I’ve taken pictures of each of my children’s hands and feet when they’re babies. I love the tiny fingers and toes, the lines and creases, the delicate nails. They are so perfect and complete, yet so tiny.

Watching my ten-year-old hold my baby, his tiny fingers wrapped around hers, just shows me how fast time passes. She’s changing diapers now and bouncing her baby brother on her hip, and not so long ago, I was changing her diapers and bouncing her until all hours of the night.

Motherhood has changed me. It has pushed me and challenged me. I don’t do well on little sleep. I’m not a patient person. I’m a perfectionist who likes my home neat and tidy. And I’m driven by my to-do list.

If you’re a mama reading this, I’m sure you’re laughing at this point, because you know how one little person (much less five) can affect all that. Coffee is now a staple in my life, along with the humility to admit that I need a rest. I try to slow down for my kids, to let them play without worrying about the mess (too much), to let go of the to-do list and say “yes” to a story.

Mom wearing a silver Precious Moments angel charm necklace

Motherhood has been the biggest, most interesting and most exciting adventure of my life. Each of my four daughters is unique, and it has been a joy to watch their personalities emerge. They do say the darnedest things—Pearl especially keeps us laughing at what she comes up with—and ask more questions than I can ever answer (especially Sunshine!).

Life may be busy, but it is certainly never dull. I love every minute with them (I guess that’s why I homeschool!). Motherhood is the only “job” (I use that term loosely!) I’ve ever worked that hasn’t bored me after the first six months.

This year—my tenth year a mom—has felt like a milestone year for other reasons. After many years of putting favourite activities on hold because they aren’t suitable for small people, my husband and I are starting to resume those activities.

Sunshine is a board game addict, and so we are finally getting out board games that have been collecting dust for the past decade.

This year, we started downhill skiing as a family. Last year, we got into biking. I’ll have to wait a few years until one of my daughters can belay me at the climbing wall, but they already love bouldering with me. I am honestly excited to see where the next ten years take us.

Yes, motherhood is full of big moments and small moments. There are definitely ups and downs—moments of triumph, moments of failure. Mother’s Day is the perfect time to stop and reflect on these moments. It’s a time to celebrate all the moments of motherhood, big and small, good and bad.

One of my favourite places to shop for Mother’s Day gifts is Precious Moments. They have a huge selection of figurines, jewelry, home decor, and more that celebrate both the big moments of your life and the everyday moments. Whether you (or your mom) likes gardening and flowers, coffee and tea, or music and memories, you’re sure to find something suitable at Precious Moments.

Precious Moments silver angel charm - a beautiful Mother's Day gift idea

For me, this Sterling Silver Diamond Accent Angel Pendant symbolizes the way I carry my daughters with me everywhere. I joke that I named my blog “the Koala Mom” because I often feel like this cute marsupial, with one (or more) joeys hanging off me. (Yes, that’s also how Joey got his nickname.)

On the rare occasions that I don’t have my kids physically with me, they are never out of my thoughts. I may wonder what they’re doing or notice something they’d like, or wonder if I’ve told them often enough how much I love them.

Drop by the Precious Moments website to browse their selection of Mother’s Day gifts. Choose something for your mom or mother-in-law or yourself. Take a moment to reflect on your own moments of motherhood and what stands out to you from your journey. Consider writing it down in a journal or a letter, to share with your children someday.

Or, if you chose a figurine or other gift from Precious Moments, tell your child the story behind it.

Happy Mother’s Day! Celebrate the moments of motherhood with me, whether you’ve been a mom for one year or ten.

What moments of motherhood stand out to you as you consider your journey as a mom?

I received the Sterling Silver Diamon Accent Angel Pendant from Precious Moments for this review. As a Precious Moments affiliate, I also receive a small commission on any Precious Moments products purchased via the links in this post.

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