Bounce into a SkyZone Birthday Party!

When I thought about where to hold Jade’s fifth birthday party, I knew the perfect place for her: SkyZone. Jade loves bouncing and was very sad that we had to give away our trampoline when we moved to our condo. Every once in a while, we take her and her sisters to SkyZone to bounce off their energy. Her face lit up when I suggested she have a SkyZone birthday party.

Bounce into a SkyZone Birthday Party!

SkyZone promises to make birthday parties not only fun, but easy. As a busy mom, I liked that idea. And I have to say, Jade’s SkyZone birthday party is definitely the easiest birthday party I’ve planned to date.

Planning Jade’s SkyZone Birthday Party

A simple phone call with SkyZone had the party booked. I used their website to send email invitations to Jade’s friends. Then I looked up a recipe for a cake to bake for her. Baking the chocolate cake the day before her party was the most work involved in this party!

SkyZone took care of everything else—the fun, the food, the plates and cups, and even a special gift for the birthday girl…

Bouncing Into Jade’s Birthday…

We arrived at SkyZone at 3 pm on the day of the party. It was quiet there compared to most days that we visit, as SkyZone had just opened. The staff quickly welcomed us and checked us and our guests in for the party. One mom had signed the online waivers and was able to quickly drop off her kids; the other mom used the tablet there to do her waivers.

Mom and toddler wearing their orange SkyZone socks.

We donned our special SkyZone socks and got socks for any guests who hadn’t been there before. The socks have special rubbery bottoms to keep bouncers safer on the trampolines.

Then a staff member—who helped us for the duration of the SkyZone birthday party—went over the rules with the kids. While my girls had been there before, I don’t think we’d heard the rules outlined in the past. It was good to review them, especially as we had a range of kids—ages 18 months to 10 years—bouncing together for the party.

SkyZone staff member explains bouncing rules to a birthday party group.

With the rules covered, the girls were free to go bounce! They immediately charged over to the trampolines. For most of the party, they played in either the foam pit, the dodge ball area, or on the main trampolines. Sunshine and her friends also tried the Sky Slam (trampoline basketball) for a bit.

You know your kids are having fun when you go through your pictures after the event and all the figures are merely blurs. For high-energy kids (like Jade and Lily), this was the perfect party. My husband and I just had to try to keep track of everyone… He parked on a bench in the middle, monitoring who was on which trampolines, while I tried to bounce around with the girls.

Toddler watching her sister bounce on the trampolines at SkyZone.

Party Room & Party Food

The girls had an hour of bouncing. Then we rounded them all up and headed to the party room for pizza and pop. With nine thirsty bouncers, three pitchers of pop disappeared pretty quickly! I’d worried that our two cheese pizzas (the birthday girl’s favourite) wouldn’t go very far, but the pizzas were huge! Only the hungriest bouncers had a second piece.

It was super nice having the party room set up for us while we were watching the kids have fun. We’d put all our stuff on a cart by the door when we arrived. A staff member moved it to the party room for us. She set the table with plastic cups and paper plates for the kids. She even included a high chair for our smallest bouncer.

SkyZone party room, with table set for our birthday party.

The staff member had bounced with the kids for a bit before going to set up our party room. She gave Jade an orange satin cape that said “Be a Superhero” on the back. It was a neat touch for the birthday girl, although Jade soon took it off and left it beside Daddy on the bench. She donned it again for snacks.

My husband and I both assumed the cape was put on every birthday child. We were surprised to hear she got to keep it. We asked about three times each to make sure. Our girls love dressing up and pretending to be superheroes, so Jade is thrilled with her new cape! It’s both a fun memory of her birthday party and a lovely birthday present.

Jade wearing her "Be a Superhero" orange SkyZone cape at her birthday party.

After pizza, the cake appeared! Again, the staff member who’d helped serve pizza and pour drinks was there to help cut and serve the cake. Did I mention how easy this party was? I got to sit back and eat my own slice of pizza while the girls enjoyed theirs!

Chocolate Birthday Cake with colourful star sprinkles for Jade's 5th birthday.

When the girls had eaten as much cake as they could hold, we put our shoes and coats on and walked out the door. The only thing I’d had to bring to the SkyZone birthday party was the cake, so packing up to leave was easy. Jade and her friends were just disappointed they didn’t get to go back and bounce again—they’d had so much fun!

Booking Your SkyZone Birthday Party

SkyZone offers a variety of birthday party packages, from smaller groups (like ours) up to big groups! Or you don’t have to wait for a birthday—you can also book a group event or fundraiser. SkyZone has activities for toddlers all the way up to teens and adults.

All SkyZone birthday party packages and events include:

  • Jump Time
  • Sky Socks – “Washable and Reusable”
  • Party Room
  • Coca-Cola Freestyle Pop/Juice
  • Dedicated Party Host
  • Room Set Up and Clean Up
  • Gift for Birthday Child
  • Uncle Fatih’s Pizza

While it was super easy to email guests using the SkyZone website, I’d recommend following up with your guests via your won email or phone. Several of my guests didn’t get their invitations; likely the email had gone into a spam folder. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize until a few days before the party that I hadn’t heard back from some of Jade’s friends. So email your guests the cool SkyZone invite, but then let them know to watch for it.

For more information about SkyZone, or to book your own SkyZone birthday party, drop by the website. You can also follow SkyZone on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

Does your child enjoy bouncing on trampolines? Have you considered or hosted a SkyZone birthday party?

Jade received a complimentary birthday party at SkyZone for the purposes of this post; all opinions expressed are my own.

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