Behind the Blog with Codi Lynn from Creative Wife & Joyful Worker

I first met Codi Lynn after Leading Moms a few years ago. She was a quiet, shy woman at my table, but I’ve since come to be amazed by her powerhouse blogging skills and her gorgeous graphic design. Codi Lynn’s sense of style is obvious on her blog and social media channels. Here, Codi Lynn shares the story behind Creative Wife & Joyful Worker and passes on her advice for other bloggers.

Behind the blog with Codi Lynn from Creative Wife & Joyful Worker

TKM: First, tell us a bit about yourself.

Codi Lynn: I never know where to start when asked to share a bit about myself! First and foremost, I am a wife and mama to three kids. But there is so much more that makes me me. A few years ago when my second child was only 6 months old, I signed up for design school and that was really the turning point. It took me on the path to who I am today.

Just after that I decided to start Creative Wife & Joyful Worker, and am working as a full-time blogger and freelance graphic designer, while still being able to be a stay (work) at home mom.

TKM: When and why did you start blogging?

I started blogging for so many different reasons. One of the reasons that really pushed me to start was to be able to get connected into the small business world. With the idea of going to school for graphic design, I wanted to meet people who could potentially be my clients. I decided the best way to do that was to create a name for myself, get connected and share the talents I have with others.

I couldn’t have been more right—it has been so fulfilling and connected me with WAY more people than I could have imagined. So much so that I actually focus more on my blog business than my design business.

TKM: How did you come up with your blog name, Creative Wife & Joyful Worker?

Creative Wife and Joyful WorkerThis was one of the hardest decisions. I wanted it to be unique, something that would actually come up when typed into a Google search. I had a lot of ideas that also ended up being a lot of other people’s same ideas.

With the thought of wanting my blog name to mean something special, but not be directly associated with any specific names, I came up with Creative Wife & Joyful Worker. The first letters of each words are the initials of me and my husband, CW & JW. I described myself as the “Creative Wife” as I like to think I am creative, and then my husband as the “Joyful Worker” as he always seems to find himself working on something, whether it’s his full time job, a side job or tasks inside or outside the house.

TKM: Do you have a blog schedule or do you post when you feel like it?

I do a bit of both. I live and breathe my day planner—that keeps me sane. All sponsored posts are scheduled in on the calendar and then I make sure to plan my own fun and personal content in between those. My personal posts are always written the day (usually night) that I post them and are often never a part of the “plan.” I like it that way, as it always comes from the heart and has the most passion.

TKM: What is your favourite part of blogging? Your least favourite part?

I think my favorite part and my least favorite part go hand in hand. I love the events, meeting people, networking, being busy, photoshoots, different opportunities, and so on. These are all such great things and are so much of the FUN that makes up blogging.

So many things that I have had the opportunity to do since blogging (mostly events), we wouldn’t be able to afford to do all the time as a family. We are forever grateful for all these opportunities and invitations to be able to have these experiences.

On the opposite side though, sometimes I wonder about having a day off. One of the hardest and most tiring things is always having your brain running with ideas. Content creating on the go and always wanting to go go go. I have gotten better at saying no when I know my body needs it, but it definitely one of the hardest parts of the whole blogging thing.

TKM: What advice would you offer other bloggers?

If blogging is something that you have been interested in starting but are afraid to, just go for it. No one got anywhere wondering what if or maybe tomorrow. Don’t wait until you have something perfect, just be yourself and do it for yourself. Always be true to you and it will make blogging so fun and so much easier to manage.

TKM: What is your favourite social media platform and why?

I have always been a fan of Instagram. That’s actually where I launched Creative Wife & Joyful Worker from. I love the visual aspect of Instagram and have really started to love Instagram stories and sharing bits of our life there. Though with all the changes with not seeing people’s posts chronologically, I spend a whole lot less time on it and have been finding myself spending more time on Pinterest. I get so inspired from others, often find new bloggers to follow, and am working on growing my presence there too!

If you enjoyed this interview, you may also enjoy my interview with Lisa Marie Fletcher from the Canadian Homeschooler.

Photo credit: Steph Schulz Photography.

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