Pure Hazelwood Helps Jade’s Eczema

When I received Jade’s eczema diagnosis this January, I began researching. Her pediatrician recommended a regular lotion routine and prescribed hydrocortisone cream for flare-ups. However, because I’ve had friends who’ve had bad experiences with hydrocortisone cream, I was reluctant to use that. Instead, I went searching for natural remedies for eczema and a friend on Facebook told me about Pure Hazelwood.

Pure Hazelwood

I received this necklace for review courtesy of Pure Hazelwood; all opinions expressed remain my own.

I’ll admit that, like many others, I was a bit dubious that a wood necklace could help Jade’s eczema. One thing changed my opinion. Hazelwood contains polyphenols, which are anti-inflammatories. In my research about eczema, I found that inflammation is one of the body’s reactions to foods that it can’t tolerate. This inflammation can present itself as a skin rash, or eczema, and hazelwood counters that. I was willing to give it a try.

I showed Jade the necklaces on the Pure Hazelwood website and she excitedly picked the Olaf one. It arrived in the mail a few days later and she couldn’t wait to try it on. I appreciated the fact that the necklace is made on a wire, with a screw clasp, so I knew that it would stand up to a lot of wear by a busy toddler. It was also the perfect size for Jade; not too tight, but not so long that it would get tangled or caught on other things.

Pure Hazelwood toddler necklace with Olaf charm

I fastened it on for Jade. Since then, she has only taken it off for baths. The website does say it can be removed for bedtimes too, but I find it easier to simply leave it on all the time instead of trying to find it every morning and remember to put it back on. Plus, she loves the necklace. If she gets dressed and Olaf gets lost under her shirt, she notices right away and we have to go find him.

Jade’s skin was mostly clear when we put her necklace on. I had been managing her diet and carefully doing a daily (or even twice-daily) lotion routine to treat her eczema. Since she’s been wearing the necklace, I’ve stopped both the diet and the lotion routine. Jade’s skin has remained clear. She’s had no flare-ups on her arms or cheeks and hasn’t been scratching anywhere.

Jade wearing her Pure Hazelwood Olaf necklace

Pure Hazelwood is a Quebec company founded by two parents after they saw how a wood necklace helped their daughter with her teething. They have since invested in extensive research about the properties of hazelwood. The first study found that “that hazelwood extracts harvested for Pure Hazelwood are very rich in polyphenols and have antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.”

Having tried a Pure Hazelwood necklace, I am thoroughly impressed. To me, eczema is a symptom, an indication that her body can’t deal with something either in her diet or environment. The pediatrician says we don’t know what causes eczema and can only treat the symptom, but I don’t believe that. While I’m figuring out what causes Jade’s skin inflammation, she can wear her necklace, which helps her body deal with the problem. It’s not just a band-aid solution and it doesn’t have any side effects either.

Pure Hazelwood can also help with arthritis (joint inflammation), teething (gum inflammation) and other problems. For more information about it or to buy a necklace or bracelet, check out the website.


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  1. Alayne langford August 3, 2016

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