Birthday Party Ideas for Children

Spring is birthday party season in our household, beginning with Sunshine’s birthday in February and ending with Lily’s birthday in May.  Party planning stresses me out even though I love having company over.  Because I’ve been scouring Pinterest for birthday party ideas, I thought I’d share some of my finds here.

birthday party ideas

Themed Birthday Party Ideas

Turn your child’s favourite book, movie or character into a party theme!  Here are a few ideas:

Cake and Cupcake Ideas

You can have your cake and eat it too!  There are so many easy, creative ideas to have a cake that goes with your party theme.  Check out these posts for some inspiration:

Food Ideas

I usually just grab a fruit and veggie tray for our parties, but these ideas look just as easy:

More Party Necessities

Invitations, decorations, goodie bags… so many things to consider for a party!

Birthday Parties by Age

Other Party Ideas

You can also check out your local recreation centre, dance or gymnastics studios, or other local businesses for more birthday party ideas and services.  I found local party suppliers by grabbing a copy of a local parenting magazine and also by browsing online. Check out birthday party locations near you to find the perfect venue for your child’s party!

Do you love or hate party planning? What’s your favourite birthday party idea?

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  1. Bonnie March 31, 2014
  2. tennille March 25, 2014
  3. Suzanne Rudge (MapleMouseMama) March 25, 2014
  4. Dani @ lifeovereasy March 25, 2014
  5. DeBalino March 24, 2014
    • Bonnie Way March 24, 2014
  6. Randa @ TBK March 24, 2014

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