Advice for New Moms

Life with You is a blog I stumbled across over a year ago and liked so much that I subscribed to posts via email (something I do very rarely).  Bonnie and her husband Michael take turns writing about their life as “newlyweds” in the U.S. Air Force, what they’re reading, and more. 

Recently, they became parents to a cute baby boy and Bonnie shared some advice for new moms that wowed me with her insight into motherhood.  (I’m pretty sure it took me more than a few months to learn all this.) I also love her nickname for her son: the Wingman.

1.  Don’t be ashamed.  Don’t be ashamed if you are exhausted.  Don’t be ashamed if you want a break.  Don’t be ashamed if you need a break.   Don’t be ashamed to ask for help.  Let the body of Christ be the body to you.  Let a friend watch your baby for a couple hours so that you can run errands, clean the house, take a nap, or just sit and enjoy the quiet at home.  Asking for a break does not mean that you do not love your baby.

2.  Seek out a mommy friend.  The Wingman was about 8 weeks old when I discovered this one.  I hadn’t realized how lonely I felt until one Sunday at church when I went into the cry room to nurse.  Already in there were two other moms.  We didn’t talk about anything too important… just basic baby related topics.  I left almost on Cloud 9 and was raving to my wonderful husband about my new mommy friend.  It was so good to talk to someone who could understand.  Now we hang out and plan on going on weekly walks with our sons!

3.  Get out of the house.  It might seem counter-intuitive, but if you are exhausted or discouraged… get out of the house!  This could correlate with #2 or you could just go on a walk.  Babies tend to like being outdoors, so maybe if s/he is crying, stepping outside could be the antidote.  One afternoon I was just so tired, but the Wingman was fussing and I was not getting anything done around the house.  I texted my neighbor and told her I was going on a quick walk… we went for about 30 minutes.  I felt so refreshed and ready to keep going when I got back home (and the Wingman was out like a light)!

Visit Life with You to keep reading the other eight tips!

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