Letters of the Alphabet for Preschoolers: HIJK

We’ve continued our alphabet fun this week with the letters H I J and K.  While we’re out and about, I ask the girls to look for letters we’ve learned during the week.  Here’s the crafts and activities we’ve worked on for each letter…

The Letter H

We played hide-n-seek and sang “If You’re Happy and You Know It” and “Head and Shoulders.”  We talked about things that make us Happy, like when they Help each other and Mommy.  They watched their VeggieTales Happy Together movie.  I read Green Eggs and Ham (and talked about G and E as well as H), The Cat in the Hat (reviewing C), and Harry the Dirty Dog (reviewing D too).

The Letter I

The girls made an ice cream poster with construction paper.  Lily really enjoyed this craft and did a very neat job with her poster.  I asked my husband when he got home to guess which of them had made each poster.  He studied each, then suggested that the red poster was Lily’s and the yellow poster was Sunshine’s.  I smiled and shook my head; Lily had made the yellow poster.  I added the words with a stencil for the girls.

Then they watched an Eyewitness DVD about Insects.  Lily lost interest about twenty minutes into the DVD, but Sunshine enjoyed watching the whole thing and I talked with her a little bit during the DVD about some of the insects that she already knew about.

The Letter J

We had a lot of fun with the letter J because many of our family and friends (including Jade) have names that start with J.  I drew a big J on a piece of poster board and cut up a pair of old jeans for the girls to glue onto the poster.  Once they’d finished making their J, we found pictures of everyone we know whose name starts with J and I printed them for Sunshine to cut out and glue around the J.

We listened to Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat while we were running errands in the morning and the girls watched Dreamworks’ Joseph: King of Dreams when we got home.  The girls have seen the movie before and like it, but the first couple of times they watched it, they found some parts of it scary.

We also talked about J is for Jesus and read more of their Preschoolers Bible.  We’ve been reading through it for a little while now and are finally in the New Testament.

The Letter K

The girls just got some new finger paint from a friend, so I drew a large K for each of them on a piece of 12×12 poster board and they finger painted it.  Smocks are a must and I also get them to paint outside (they have a little table there, but in the past they’ve also used a cardboard box or just painted on a paper on the sidewalk).

We also got the chance on the weekend to fly a kite when we went to the beach with friends.  I have a pocket parafoil that I haven’t flown in years, but it’s really easy to get up into the wind (despite the fact that it was a slightly gusty day, so we had to wait for a good gust of wind to launch the kite).  Neither the girls nor our friends had ever flown a kite before, so we had a lot of fun with it and even saw someone else out on the beach flying their kite.

Check out the activities we’ve done for the letters ABC and DEFG and come back next Friday for the letters LMNOP!

Have you worked on teaching your children the letters of the alphabet?

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