Susan May Warren: a Writers-on-Wednesday Interview

Because I’m part of Susan May Warren’s fiction kickoff team, I recently had the chance to ask her a few questions about her writing.  I thoroughly enjoyed reading Take a Chance on Me. I also think it’s totally cool that we share the same middle name.  Here’s a little bit more about Susan May Warren…

susan-may-warrenTKM: How did you become a writer?

Susan: Writing was always something I loved to do, so I think I was born with it in me.  Words are definitely my love language; I love a well crafted sentence or poem, a great story.  It’s how I communicate my worship, and how I find understanding and work out my thoughts.

TKM: What inspires you to write?

Susan: I’m inspired to write by things that move me, things I want to explore, and great moments of emotion – joy, sorrow, fear, love.  One of my favorite types of writing, however, is travel writing. I like to take a journal and go somewhere new and just sit and capture the setting in words.  It’s better than a picture.

TKM: Who is your favourite author and why?

Susan: Rachel Hauck. I love her stories, her depth, her words.  I’m also a fan of Siri Mitchell, Dee Henderson, Francine Rivers, Ronie Kendig, Beth Vogt, Melissa Tagg, Lisa Jordan and Dee Gist.

Take a Chance on Me by Susan May Warren

Susan May Warren hooked me with the opening sentences of Take a Chance on Me and kept me turning pages right until the end. Even when it seemed like I knew where the story was going (I mean, it’s obvious that Ivy and Darek are going to get together by the end, right?), there were twists along the way that surprised me.  Susan’s characters were delightfully real; when I could see the path they should take, they often stubbornly went in the other direction (as we so often do).  It was a delight to walk with them and see how each of them found a happy ending. Read the rest of my review here!

Susan May Warren is the best-selling author of more than forty novels.  She and her husband have four children and served as missionaries in Russia for eight years.  They now live in Minnesota (the setting for the Christiansen family novels) and enjoy hiking and canoeing.  Susan also runs an online writing community.  For exciting updates on her new releases, previous books, and more, visit her website.

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