Lenten Resolutions for Busy Moms

When I first started blogging, I was hesitant to mention my faith. It was like being at a conference or in a new place, where until you figure out where everyone else might stand, you don’t want to mention something that might make you unpopular. Then I made a Lenten resolution that this was part of who I was and I shouldn’t be hiding my light under a bushel basket, so to speak. I tried to blog honestly.

Spiritual Dryness

Lately, well, lately I haven’t had much of a faith life to blog about. I can’t remember a time in my life when I’ve felt further from God. Looking back, I can see the slow road that brought me here. Maybe it began in those months of newlywed bliss, when spending time together took precedence over being alone with God. Maybe it happened in the early days of motherhood, when finding a routine and juggling the needs of a little one interrupted quiet times.

Bible with cross

However it happened, I find myself here, feeling empty and dry. During high school, I noticed that my writing output was directly proportional to my devotional time. The more time I spent reading my Bible and praying, the more my creative juices flowed. One of my profs spoke of this spiritual connection to writng, leading us through an example of his own daily spiritual routine and urging us to find something similar to get us going.

Ash Wednesday: A New Start

Today is Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent within the Catholic Church (and Lutheran and other traditions). It seems like a good time to try to focus on my faith once again, to revive that relationship with God that I once had. I’ve made a few Lenten resolutions for this season, which will hopefully stick better than those typically made in January.

Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections, but instantly set about remedying them—every day begin the task anew. ~ St. Francis de Sales

Years ago, I heard a speaker make an interesting comparison about the value of reading your Bible every day. At first, he said, it’s like taking vitamins—you do it because it’s good for you. Then it becomes more like eating oatmeal—filling and nutritious, but hard to get down sometimes. Finally, as you persist and keep reading, it becomes like having peaches and ice cream—rich and delicious. I’ve seen myself go through each of those stages at various times in my life.

Right now, I’m back to vitamins, but I’m going to try taking them every day.

Resources to Help Busy Moms

Need help getting into a good routine of prayer and Bible reading? Here’s some resources:

Do you make any Lenten resolutions? What helps you stick to a daily Bible time?

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  1. Koala Bear Writer March 11, 2011
  2. Jeff March 11, 2011

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