An Interview with Romance Writer Anna Dynowski

I’d like to introduce you to Anna Dynowski, a new member of Inscribe Christian Writer’s Fellowship. She’s joining me here to chat about how she became a romance writer, what inspires her to write, and who her favourite authors are.

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TKM: How did you become a writer?

Romance author Anna DynowskiAnna Dynowski: Back in 1999, I complained to God that I was unhappy in my office day job, that when I got up in the morning, I wasn’t eager to go to work.

I complained also to a friend, who suggested I read Making a Living Without a Job by Barbara Winter. Winter helps readers figure out what hobbies or talents they have and use them to create a job for themselves that they love. The trouble was, I couldn’t identify any real talent or hobby.

Making a Living Without a Job, revised edition: Winning Ways for Creating Work That You LoveOne night, when I lay in bed, wide awake, I complained to God again, only this time my complaint centred on “What can I do?” He revealed to me I can write.

“Write?” I asked. I write letters as part of my duties in my job, but… how could I possibly create a job for myself writing letters?

Then, the Lord brought back to my memory the time, long, long ago, when I read romances. Why not write romances? I mulled over this question. The more the idea gelled in my heart and spirit, the more I became excited.

Yes, I thought, I can write a love story. Or can I? I knew how to read fiction books, but what was involved in actually taking a premise for a story and outlining it, plotting it, and putting it down on paper in a cohesive, comprehensible manner, and then sell it to a publisher?

The Art of Romance Writing: Practical advice from an internationally bestselling romance writerI went and purchased The Art of Romance Writing by Valerie Parv and a romance novel. The how-to book proved to be invaluable, as did the many writers groups I’ve belonged to. And the romance novel? Well… I thought I was picking up a Harlequin book.

It wasn’t until I got home that I realized I had bought a Christian romance novel. I didn’t even know such books existed! This was what I wanted to write. This was what I felt led of God to write—books that encouraged and entertained.

And in 2000, I started to write my first manuscript. In 2005, this first manuscript, Full Circle, was published. I’ve continued writing and publishing Inspirational Romance books ever since.

By the way, I’m still in that same office day job. Only now, I do get up in the morning with an eagerness—I look forward to each day because each day I can be, as Mother Teresa says, “a little pencil in the hand of a writing God Who is sending out His love letter to the world.”

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TKM: What inspires you to write?

Anna Dynowski: I heard authors say aroma-scented candles, soft music, breathtaking panorama, Godiva chocolates, good books, great movies all inspire them to write. For me… it’s God.

He places the ideas, scenes, dialogue into my mind. I sit obediently at my computer, with my hands poised over the keyboard, and take dictation. (I’m the little pencil, remember?) He is my Business Manager and in charge of my writing. He’s also in charge of my muse. When the writing is flowing, the Lord is in charge. When the writing comes out in trickles, the Lord is in charge.

Either way, He’s the One Who inspires me, not just with the ideas, but to sit down at my computer and record His words.

How’s this for inspiration:

This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says, ‘Write in a book all the words I have spoken to you.’ ~ Jeremiah 30:2 (NIV)

TKM: What authors do you admire and why?

Anna Dynowski: Because I write Inspirational Romance, when my writing permits, I read a lot of romances, both inspirational and secular. There are many authors I adore and have learned a great deal about my craft just by studying their “voice” and style of writing.

Among my long list are: Robin Lee Hatcher, Diane Noble, Debbie Macomber, Nora Roberts, Danielle Steele. I enjoy their writing because they create 3D characters—real people the reader can identify with.

The strong emotion ribboning the stories draws the reader right into their make-believe world and holds them as willing captives. And, of course, there is the happily-ever-after ending that leaves me with the feeling of Ah! Love does conquer all.

More about Anna Dynowski

Anna Dynowski is the author of several books, including her most recent titles, Looking for Love (April 2009), Full Time Wife (May 2008), and Full House (March 2008), all published by Write Words Inc.

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  1. Anna Dynowski July 7, 2009
  2. Koala Bear Writer July 2, 2009
  3. Kimberley Payne July 2, 2009
  4. Eileen Astels Watson July 1, 2009
  5. Eileen Astels Watson July 1, 2009
  6. Mary Waind July 1, 2009

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