Love Rebel: Reclaiming Motherhood

I’m super delighted to finally be able to share the news about an anthology I’m contributing to! Love Rebel: Reclaiming Motherhood has been in the works for about a year now, but it’s almost ready to hit the bookshelves! Along with four other Catholic bloggers, I’ve written about being a mom in a culture that doesn’t seem to support moms anymore.

Love Rebel: Reclaiming Motherhood (an anthology of 5 Catholic bloggers)

There’s a bit of a funny story about this book. Last summer, my friend Ulrika sent me an email about an anthology project that a friend of hers was putting together. It sounded interesting, so I submitted a couple pieces. Then there were some changes and delays in the project.

In January, we moved here to Vancouver. Ulrika and another friend of mine from the island said, “You have to meet my friend Anna.” So Anna and I met and hit it off instantly—we’re both Catholic converts and homeschooling moms with lots of girls who like to blog. Anna was the one who realized we were both contributing to Love Rebel.

A few weeks, Anna’s friend Monique LeBlanc came to visit from Saskatchewan. Anna made sure we all got together and it was fun to chat about blogging and the anthology in person. My friend Monique Les lives on the Island, and I have yet to meet Melanie, but I’m excited to be part of this writing project with these lovely ladies. Here’s a picture of Monqiue (left), Anna (right) and I.

Love Rebel anthology authors Monique LeBlanc, Bonnie Way and Anna Eastland

Meet the authors

While we’re working on the final stages of publishing and releasing the anthology, I’d invite you to drop by the authors’ blogs:

Anna EastlandJust East of Crazyland

Monique LesThe Hard of Hearing Mommy

Melanie Jean JuneauJoy of 9

Monique LeBlancThe Last Time Change

Here’s a few advance reviews we’ve received:

“Full of earnest and joyful contributions that inspire and affirm, this exuberant anthology resonates with love and authenticity. It serves as an earthy and affectionate antidote to a world that suggests that motherhood should be considered an afterthought instead of a priority.” ~ Dymphny Dronyk, Q. Med., Senior Consultant & Manager at Communica Public Affairs, President of the League of Canadian Poets
Council, and Editor/Publisher at blue skies poetry

“Pope Francis challenges moms and dads to dream about their children… and this little book is a great beginning. I’m a big believer in affirming what is good and in this short work, five spiritually alive mothers make the case brilliantly.” ~ Father Julio Lagos

“There are no cultural boundaries when it comes to love, faith and motherhood. Echoed with laughs and tears, I got inspired by each love rebel’s own experiences, honest reflections and ordinary yet spirit-lifting deeds!” ~ Odilia Lee, monthly columnist of S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Evergreen News

“Love Rebel: Reclaiming Motherhood gives comfort and encouragement to its readers by reaffirming the value of their roles within their families, and as a child of God in their own rite.” ~ Lisa Whelton, Made Just for You By Lisa Designs

“Bonnie Way has a way with words in which you can’t help but feel like you are actually there. This book took me back to when my child was small and made me miss all of those things that makes raising a small child so memorable.” ~ Kristy-Lea Tritz, Personal Coach

“Go, rebel moms! Your lives of ‘motherhood as a choice and vocation’ will sow the seeds of love our culture needs: to encourage us all in a way of love, to challenge our 20th century feminist assumptions, and to remind us that a mother’s task is a gigantic act of love. These writers give a voice to the challenge and at the same time celebrate it.” ~ Mary Gallagher, Ascend Online homeschooling coach

“This powerful collection, written by moms worth looking up to, makes me want to be even more rebellious!” ~ Ulrika Drevniok, RN

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