A Move in Review

I forgot how much work moving is. I always think that it will take less time that it does. Last Monday, I was finishing the packing while my husband began dismantling furniture. I confidently told him that, with the amount of stuff we had packed and taken apart, loading the trailer should only take a few hours.

Um, yeah. Not quite. His parents arrived at 11 am with the truck and trailer. At 3 pm, when my uncle called, we were still hauling stuff out. My sister-in-law had dropped by to pick up Sunshine. I was alternating between trying to carry things in out in one hand while holding Lily in the other, and trying to get Lily to sleep so that I could cart boxes and help carry furniture.

My uncle came to help us load and my mother-in-law took Lily. As the house got closer to empty, I began cleaning up behind the movers. By 6 pm, I was looking for one last box so I could pack the fridge up. We closed up the truck and trailer, handed the keys to the landlady, and pulled out at 7 pm.

It’s always nostalgic driving away from the place in which we’ve lived for roughly the last year. I’ll be back in town over the next couple months for appointments and mail, but still, it felt like we were leaving for the last time. For two months, we’ll be living close by at my in-law’s farm.

After that, we’re off to BC… a mountain range and an ocean away from here.  A completely new place.

My husband and his parents drove the truck and trailer out on Wednesday; my uncle and his girlfriend followed with some more of our stuff in their truck (they wanted an excuse for a vacation). We decided, however, to save some gas in the Jeep and some travel time on the girls, and so I remained behind. My thoughts went with them, wondering about the scenery, the hours on the road, the new home. I gave my husband a list of things to check and ask about when he got there, my mother-in-law my camera to take pictures.

And I drove first to my brother’s place (where I was able to use his computer to register for my courses for the year) and then to my mother’s. My in-law’s place is under renovation right now and it seemed best to be away for a few days. The chance to attend a girlfriend’s wedding shower on Saturday made up, in a small part, for missing the move.   alternate between looking ahead and looking back; anticipating an exciting new year, remembering the good and bad of the past year.

As my husband says, “Another place bites the dust.”

Are you planning a move? Here’s some more posts for you…

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  1. Koala Bear Writer July 12, 2010
  2. Tracy Krauss July 5, 2010

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