Angela LaRosa chats about Smile! Be Happy! Life Lessons From An Uncommon Housewife

I’m always excited to meet other writer moms—women who manage to take care of their kids and still share the words they want to share with the world. I’m delighted to share an interview with Angela LaRosa, a fellow mom writer who recently released her debut book, Smile! Be Happy! Life Lessons from an Uncommon Housewife. In this book, Angela shares honestly about the ups and downs of being a mom, and how she stays positive through it all.

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Smile! Be Happy! Life Lessons from an Uncommon Housewife by Angela LaRosaTKM: First, tell us a bit about yourself.

Angela LaRosa: I am a happy housewife and mother of 4 beautiful children. We reside on Long Island, New York. I recently became a health coach because I love to help others and believe that our health is so important for a happy life: physically, mentally and spiritually.

TKM: What inspired you to write a book about motherhood?

Angela: Motherhood has been my life for 22 years. I have had the experience of being a working single mother as well as having the support of my now intact family and living the housewife lifestyle.

I really want to shed light on positivity with other women who may need a lift in knowing life is what we make it. We can be happy regardless of any difficulties that may come our way. It’s a choice.

TKM: There are lots of books for moms today. What makes Smile! Be Happy! different?

Angela: Smile! Be Happy! is unique because it has my personal but relatable stories that I wanted to share. I want everyone to know that they can achieve their own goals and dreams like I have despite my hardships. Everyone has a story and this is mine. I stayed in faith through it all and here I am. If I can do it, they can do it!

Having brought hope and optimism to every aspect of her life, and with her bold and durable commitment to God, Angela LaRosa enjoys a life of beautiful fulfillment and is now proud to share what she has learned.

TKM: What’s the biggest thing you hope moms will take away from Smile! Be Happy!?

Angela: That they should know their worth! Motherhood is so rewarding and it can be easier with prayer and positivity.

In chapters from “The Basics,” where Angela LaRosa touches on topics like finding balance, prayer, faith, and common sense, to “Children and Family” discussing raising a child with autism, “Communicating Through Challenges” which addresses bullying, self expression, and more — Smile! Be Happy! certainly hits on topics all can relate to and learn from.


TKM: Could Smile! Be Happy! be used in a group setting, like a book club or mom’s group?

Angela: Absolutely! Knowing that we are in this life together is empowering. When these conversations are held in a group setting, they usually allow for people to open up about themselves and any issues or topics they might need support in resolving.

TKM: What was your biggest challenge in writing your book?

Angela: Releasing it. I have had the writing done for quite a while but finding the time to finalize it was a struggle until I found an excellent editor who helped me with this process. Timing is everything!

Angela LaRosa, author of Smile! Be Happy! Life Lessons from an Uncommon Housewife

TKM: What was your biggest surprise or success in getting Smile! Be Happy! into the hands of readers?

Angela: My biggest surprise was my feeling of confidence and not the feeling of shyness I thought I would have because of the attention on me. I am so happy and empowered that both men and women love my book. I feel a huge sense of accomplishment, as if I was destined to do this.

TKM: How do you juggle writing and promoting your book with motherhood responsibilities?

Angela: I have been blessed with an amazing support system. My husband, my daughter, and all of the grandparents help out when necessary. Thankfully, my kids are getting older and everything is getting a little easier. I begin each day with a prayer and thank God for the day ahead. I don’t get stressed out and I take everything as it comes. I believe we can make time for all of things that are important to us.

TKM: What advice would you offer to other mom writers?

Angela: Go at your own pace and enjoy the process, it doesn’t have to happen over night. When the time is right, everything will fall into place.

TKM: How long did it take you to write Smile! Be Happy!?

Angela: I have kept a journal all throughout my life. The book process began about 6 years ago when I started putting everything together on the computer. That process took about a year and then I stepped away from it because life got busy. Fast forward five years later when an overwhelming urge to spread positivity resurfaced. I knew it was the right time to release my story, and here we are.

TKM: Are you working on another book?

Angela: Yes I am!

TKM: Where else can we find you online?

Angela: There is a Facebook page for Smile! Be Happy! and I am also on Instagram as positive_ang.

TKM: Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Angela: Thank you so very much for your interest in my book and my story. I believe that we are all brothers and sisters and we should all encourage one another to be happy regardless of adversity. We are not alone and with prayer and positivity we can achieve our goals, what ever they may be.

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  1. Don Lorton March 23, 2024

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