Better Together: Because You’re Not Meant to Mom Alone

My mission here at the Koala Mom is to encourage you as a mom. I share my stories of motherhood to let you know that you are not alone in this motherhood journey.

You see, it took me a long time to realize that I needed other moms as a mom. When I first had Sunshine, I had my friends—but they weren’t moms. Then we moved three times in three years, and I was left finding a community again. That’s when I finally realized—as other moms came up beside me and blessed me abundantly—how much I needed fellow moms. And that’s why Better Together: Because You’re Not Meant to Mom Alone caught my attention.

Better Together: Because You're Not Meant to Mom Alone by Jill Savage and Anne McClaneJill Savage and Anne McClane are two moms, like you and me. Jill has five kids, including Anne, and is now on the verge of being an empty-nester. Anne is a mother of two preschoolers. Together, they share what they’ve learned about mom friendships in Better Together. Their book is full of practical advice for connecting with other moms—and why that’s so important to us in today’s world.

In the first chapter, Jill talks about being a “late bloomer” to female relationships. She grew up in a neighbourhood of boys and didn’t start making friends with other women until after she became a mom:

“Suddenly I had this desire to spend time with other women who understood what my life is like. I needed to learn from them. I needed to know if what my kid was doing was normal. I needed to know if my feelings were okay. More than anything, I needed to know I wasn’t alone!

The second chapter, “Who Are You Momming With?” talks about the stages of friendship, from MBF (Might Be Friends) through to BFF. Jill and Anne offer DIY tips for finding and making good mom friends. I found these super helpful, because as a typical introverted writer, I find it hard to make new friends. Moms’ groups in both Victoria and Vancouver have been a godsend for me to find other moms, as well as being a safe, easy place for me to work at striking up conversations with strangers. (On the other hand, if you’re anything like my daughter Sunshine, you won’t need these tips.)

Every chapter ends with Something to Think About and a Friendship Assignment. These are practical ways for you to apply what Jill and Anne have shared in the chapter. The back of Better Together includes a list of Conversation Starts for the Trying to Be Friends stage, a Mothering Personality Inventory, ideas for mom co-ops, Bible verses to share with a friend going through a hard time, and a Leader’s Guide.

Jill Savage is an author and international speaker who helps moms be the best they can be. As the Founder and CEO of Hearts at Home, Jill has led thousands of moms to keep their priorities straight and their heart in tune with God. Jill is the author of 10 books, including No More Perfect Kids, No More Perfect Moms, Living With Less So Your Family Has More, and Real Moms…Real Jesus. Anne McClane  blogs about authentic motherhood at Everday Small Things. She and her family make their home in Illinois.

I received this book for review courtesy of the publisher; all opinions expressed are my own. This post contains affiliate links; as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

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