How We Do Art in Our Homeschool

Art is not one of my strong points. I drew many pictures as a child, but soon realized I couldn’t paint or sketch. Now, my daughters are drawing pictures on every page they can find. I don’t want my inadequacies with art to hold them back. So here is how we do art in our homeschool.

How We Do Art in Our Homeschool

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Community Art Programs

We have taken advantage of many of the classes offered by the city. Right now, the girls are doing a once-a-week arts class at one community centre where they have created various collages and crafts. I enjoy seeing what projects they come home with, because the teacher is so much more creative than I am (and the mess stays there!).

The girls have made a clock collage, a sun catcher, a mobile, and more during this class. It’s neat to see how Sunshine and Lily each interpret the project given to them by the teacher, and create similar but very different projects.

The one thing I don’t like about community programs is that many are offered during after-school time (right before supper). That’s a bit hectic for us; I’d prefer something in the early afternoon. I know other homeschoolers who have requested homeschool programs run during the morning or early afternoon, and we’ve participated in those programs. It’s worth checking with your local program coordinator about whether they’d be willing to set up a class, and what minimum registration would be required for that.

How to find community art programs:

  • Ask other homeschoolers in your area what programs they have done
  • Look up kids’ programs on your town or city website
  • Search online for kids art programs in your areas

In-Home Art Classes

In September, the girls did an art class with another homeschool family. My friend Anna has a friend who is an artist and was willing to come to her home and teach an art class. Anna’s oldest three girls and my oldest two did the class in Anna’s kitchen, while Anna and I entertained the toddlers in the living room.

It worked out great, as I didn’t have to figure out what to do while the girls were at a class, and we had enough students to make a decent class for the teacher.

For that class, the teacher used a theme each week. The girls learned about van Gogh in their first week and Emily Carr in their last week. They used paint for most classes, but also included other mediums, like tissue paper and Plasticine.

How to set it up:

  • If you have a friend who is very artistic, ask if they’d be willing to teach a class
  • Find another homeschool family (or two) who’d be interested in doing a class with your kids
  • Ask around your homeschool groups for a mom (or dad) who’d be willing to teach an art class

Online Art Classes

Online art classes are another great option, especially when there isn’t a local teacher available. You and your child can use the computer to access a variety of classes geared toward your child’s interests. Many of these classes allow you to work at your own pace, so you can fit them into your schedule.

Sunshine and Lily really enjoyed the Famous Artists Volume 1 online art class from Techie Homeschool Mom. They learned about various famous artists, attempted to create their own artwork in that artists’ style, and created an online presentation about what they learned.

Another fun way to add art to your homeschool is through art history! Take your art studies from occasional crafts to intentional art appreciation and invite your kids to make open-ended art inspired by famous artists from the past with Art History Kids. It’s easier than you think and your annual membership will let you jump right in—even if you’ve never taken an art class in your life!

Through Art History Kids, you’ll learn:

  • Why art history should be one of your core subjects and not an ‘elective’ or an ‘extra’
  • How to make art more meaningful and curate a custom experience that will meet your kids where they are right now
  • What art supplies and books you’ll need to get your art area ready for ‘back to homeschool’
  • Who to study first (and you’ll get a full-length open-and-go study guide so you can begin today!)

Meaningful art lessons don’t need to be super time consuming or elaborate to be impactful and inspiring. Get your free starter kit and study guide today and start making creative memories with your kids!

The Studio with Art History Kids

Homeschool Art Books & Supplies

We have several art and drawing books that the girls often pull out on their own. It works great to fill in our school day if our other subjects are finished quickly. Some of the books we’ve used include (affiliate links):

I also have a huge craft box that the girls like to pull out. They can be quite creative on their own (if I’m willing to help clean up the mess after) and sometimes it’s fun just to watch them explore and be creative. I suggest keeping a few supplies on hand for art projects, such as:

Homeschool Art Kits

Art kits are almost as good as art classes (someone else comes up with the project and gathers all the supplies), but can be done at any time in your own home. I’ve grabbed art kits and even diamond painting tools at craft stores and dollar stores. Craft-Ease has a huge selection of paint-by-number kits for both modern and classic paintings.

When they’re all done with their projects, we display them on the fridge and bedroom walls or tuck them away into their art boxes to look at again later.

How do you encourage your kids to explore art and be creative?

I’m linking up with the Canadian Homeschooling Bloggers for this post. Drop by there for more ideas on doing art in your homeschool.

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  1. Alison February 28, 2016
  2. Laura February 24, 2016

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