How to Create an Awesome Backyard Space Your Kids Will Enjoy

Do you love spending time outdoors with your kids? If so, why not create a backyard space that they will love too? There are many ways to make your backyard enjoyable for children. In this article, we will discuss some of the best tips for creating an awesome backyard space for your kids. Let’s get started!

How to Create an Awesome Backyard Space Your Kids Will Enjoy. Photo of kids playing spikeball by Spikeball on Unsplash

Backyard sandbox

One great way to keep your kids entertained in the backyard is to buy or create a sandbox for them. Sandboxes are relatively inexpensive and easy to build. You can also get small plastic sandboxes that have covers to keep the rain (and neighbour’s cats) out of the sandbox. Your local hardware or garden centre will have soft, clean sand for a reasonable price.

Sandboxes provide hours of fun for children of all ages. My youngest three play outside in ours nearly every day. I love seeing all three of them sitting in, chattering away at each other. (It’s barely big enough for all of them!) Joey has an assortment of diggers (large and small) to play with in the sandbox, but the sky’s the limit with their imagination and it’s fun to see howthey play.

If you don’t have the space or budget for a sandbox, consider using a large plastic storage bin instead. Just add some sand and voila—you have a makeshift sandbox!

A swing set

Another great way to make your backyard more enjoyable for kids is to add a swing set or playset. This will give them a place to run around and burn off some energy. You can get some inspiration for the overall look of the play area from Outdoor Home Magazine or by checking out some backyard swing set ideas on Pinterest.

If you don’t have the space or budget for a swing set or playset, consider adding a simple hammock instead. We have a rope basket swing that hangs in our tree for the kids to swing on or read books in. This will provide a relaxing place for your kids to enjoy the outdoors.

Mom reading in a basket swing with a toddler in her lap.

Planting a garden together

If you have some extra space in your backyard, consider planting a garden. This is a great way to teach your kids about nature and responsibility. Plus, they will love being able to watch the plants grow and harvest the fruits of their labor.

In addition, your kids can do some fun activities in the garden, such as painting rocks or building scarecrows. Working together in the garden is a great way to bond with your kids.

Kid-friendly furniture

Another way to make your backyard more enjoyable for kids is to invest in kid-friendly furniture. This might include a small picnic table, some chairs, or even a trampoline. Kids love having their own space to play and explore. By providing them with furniture that is just their size, you can create a backyard space that they will love.

Furthermore, children’s furniture is frequently quite inexpensive. Many of these items may be found at your local thrift shop or garage sale. A good rule of thumb is to seek furniture that is both durable and simple to maintain.

Backyard water play

One final way to make your backyard more enjoyable for kids is to add some water play. This might include a small pool, a sprinkler, or even a water table. Water play is great for hot summer days. Plus, it’s a fun way for kids to cool off and have some fun.

To make water play even more enjoyable for your kids, consider adding some toys or floats to the mix. This will give them, even more, to do while they are enjoying the outdoors.

Stock up on the chalk

No matter what type of backyard space you have, be sure to stock up on sidewalk chalk. This is a great way for kids to express their creativity. Plus, it’s a fun way for them to decorate their outdoor space. Chalk can be used on sidewalks, patios, driveways – anywhere!

If you don’t have a lot of space in your backyard, consider hanging a chalkboard on the fence. This will give your kids a place to draw and play without taking up too much space.

Attract birds and butterflies with a birdbath

Another great way to make your backyard more enjoyable for kids is to add a birdbath. This will attract birds and butterflies, which will provide hours of entertainment for your kids. Plus, it’s a great way to teach them about nature. Save space and money in your backyard by adding bird feeders instead of a birdbath. Your kids will love getting to see different birds up close, and you’ll save on both water usage and costs.

Backyard toys

No matter what type of backyard space you have, be sure to stock up on some backyard toys. These might include balls, jump ropes, hula hoops, or even a trampoline. Backyard toys are great for kids of all ages and can provide hours of fun.

Another great way to make your backyard more enjoyable for kids is to add some outdoor games. These might include cornhole, horseshoes, or even a simple game of tag. Outdoor games are a great way to get the whole family involved in the fun.

Create an Awesome Backyard Space Your Kids Will Enjoy. Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

These are just a few of the best tips for creating an awesome backyard space for your kids. With a little creativity and effort, you can easily transform your backyard into a kid-friendly oasis. So what are you waiting for? Get started today!

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