5 Tips For Traveling With Babies In Hot Countries

Most of us, when we think about vacation destinations, want to go somewhere hot and start dreaming about countries by the sea. Parents may picture lazy, sun-filled days of watching the kids splash in the waves or build sandcastles. If you’re going to be traveling with toddlers or babies in hot countries, you’ll want to plan in advance for the heat, especially if you’re leaving a cooler climate (like a Canadian winter). Here are 5 tips for a beach holiday with young kids to make sure you can spend your vacation with comfort and pleasure.

Traveling With Babies In Hot Countries. Photo by Jonathan Gallegos on Unsplash.

1. Pay attention to the hotel you choose

Finding out what your hotel looks like and what is included in its services is task number one. Is there air conditioning in your room? Will you have a window and/or balcony? How often do the hotel staff usually clean? How close is the hotel to the beach? Does the hotel have a pool? Don’t forget to ask about the availability of medical care and a pediatrician in case of emergency.

2. Mode of travel

The hotel location also plays an important role. Walking with young kids and all your beach gear from your hotel to the beach can be a lot of work. (Nobody wants to deal with tired, whiny kids on vacation, while juggling floaties and swim suits and towels and snacks!) However, you also don’t want to end up in a hotel that’s very loud and noisy due to its proximity to the beach.

The most convenient option for transport on vacation, especially with a small child, is certainly a car. By having your own car, you don’t need to use public transport or even take a stroller with you. Car rental is easy to do and can often be booked along with your hotel.

For example, while vacationing in the UAE, you can book a car in advance for your future vacation. The services provide a large number of cars, from roomy SUVs for a large family to sports cars. You can easily even rent a Cadillac in Dubai, which will cost you less than a regular taxi call. (You’re on vacation—why not have fun and rent that super sporty car you’ve always wanted to drive?)

Thanks to such rental services, you get full freedom and mobility in the new city. Plus, air conditioning in the car will also help to cope with the heat during the day.

3. Don’t get sunburned!

Make sure to pack sunglasses, sunscreen, sunhats, and light beach cover-ups for the whole family. Be careful when choosing sunscreens for yourself and your child, as many chemical sunscreens are just as bad for your skin as the sun. It’s likely best to stock up on your favourite natural sunscreens at home and take them with you than to try to find a good sunscreen when you arrive at your hotel.

Attitude sunscreen

Try not to be on the beach from 12 to 3 o’clock in the afternoon because at this time the sun is more dangerous for children’s skin. It’s way better to sunbathe, swim and play with your child under the sun from morning to noon, then head indoors for some lunch, quiet time, naps, an indoor swim in the hotel pool, and other activities. Later in the afternoon, as the sun starts to sink, you can head back outside for a walk along the beach and some more fun there.

Don’t forget that after each swim, you need to reapply sunscreen to reduce the risk of getting sunburned.

4. Stay hydrated

In countries with hot climates and high air temperatures, the body loses moisture very quickly. This means you all—children and adults—need to be drinking more than you usually would. If your kids are old enough, talk to them about why it’s important to drink water. For younger kids, just constantly remind them to have a drink or offer them some water. It may also be helpful to pack their favourite juice to help encourage more liquid consumption.

5. Be prepared for acclimatization

Acclimatization is an essential process for any person when traveling abroad, including a child. Most often, the symptoms of acclimatization occur 3-4 days after the arrival. In order to minimize the acclimatization period of the baby and prevent getting a cold, try to spend a little less time on the beach in the first few days. Of course, remember to pack a first aid kit with those medications which you use at home.

We hope these little tips turned out to be useful for you. Wishing you a great vacation that will bring you and your kid lots of pleasure and joy.

Have you gone traveling with babies in hot countries? What tips would you share for keeping everyone comfortable?

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