How I Balance Blogging & Homeschooling

I’ve often been asked how I manage to homeschool two girls, blog five days a week, and do the housework and other things required of a wife and mom. (Some days I wonder that myself!) So I thought I’d think about what does work and try to share it with you.

How I Balance Blogging & Homeschooling

Find a routine.

With school starting up again this month, we’ve been settling into a new routine of programs, schoolwork, and playtime / Mommy time. Most mornings, we get up and have breakfast, and then I pop onto the computer for 15-30 minutes to promote my day’s post and check email for anything I need to respond to later in the day. Then we sit down to do school together. When the girls are on a break from school, I’ll do some housework or get back on the computer to answer email or do social media.

Use planners.

I find it helpful to have a big picture and a checklist, so I use a planner for both my blogging and homeschooling. I try to lay out the homeschool week on Sunday or Monday, so that each morning I can pull out the planner and see at a glance what we’re trying to accomplish that day. This keeps us on track, as I can check off each subject and make sure that we’ve covered everything each day.

Similarly, when I sit down to blog, I can glance quickly at my planner and see what reviews or sponsored posts I need to work on and promote, or what idea I’m going to write about. That way I’m more productive with the time that I do have to write while the girls are playing.

(I’ve thought about starting a housework planner as well to keep track of stuff like cleaning, grocery shopping, etc, but haven’t done that yet!).

Be flexible.

I think the most important part of being a work-at-home mom is being flexible. I don’t have a schedule that’s set in stone. Some days, the girls play Mega Blocks or Hot Wheels all day and I just need to feed them when they get hungry and I can get lots of blogging done. Other days, we have lots of errands to run or school takes longer or something else comes up, and the blogging doesn’t happen. I try to write my blog posts at least 2-3 days ahead of time so that if family things comes up, I can ignore the computer for a day. At the same time, if the girls are busy with their own play, then I take advantage of that time to get some extra writing done.

That’s what works for me as a WAHM. What works for you? I’d love to hear about it! This post is the start of a new series, WAHM Wednesdays, in which work-at-home moms share how they do it. If you’d like to contribute, email me at bway_writer at yahoo.ca. Or come back next Wednesday to hear from another WAHM!

WAHM Wednesday - where work-at-home moms share what works for them!

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  1. Kendy October 17, 2015
  2. Tammy @inRdream September 18, 2015
    • Bonnie Way September 20, 2015
  3. Kelly @ City Mom September 18, 2015
    • Bonnie Way September 20, 2015
  4. Deanna T. September 18, 2015
    • Bonnie Way September 20, 2015
  5. Amanda September 18, 2015
    • Bonnie Way September 20, 2015
  6. DeBalino September 16, 2015
    • Bonnie Way September 20, 2015

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