Date Your Husband (20+ ideas!)

Many married couples haven’t been on a date with their spouse since having kids. While it’s a lot harder to get out of the house together once kids come along, couples need that one-on-one time with each other to keep their relationship strong. However, even when you want to go out with your husband for a date, sometimes it can be easy to fall into the same-old-same-old ideas. Here’s a list of some ways you can date your husband.

“Even though you’re married… you need to get away alone and continue to talk, laugh and have fun together. You need to learn more about each other, your past and your dreams for the future. You need to feel at ease with each other as you face new challenges together. That’s why dating shouldn’t stop with marriage.” ~ Dr. Gary and Barbara Rosberg, 40 Unforgettable Dates with Your Mate

Go Out Together

  • Visit a local art gallery
  • Rent your dream vehicle and go for a scenic drive around your city or out into the countryside
  • Visit a local museum
  • Go to a concert or the symphony
  • Be a tourist in your hometown—drop by your local visitor’s centre for ideas
  • Go to a local hockey or baseball game
  • Browse the farmer’s market for a special gift for each other or ingredients for a meal to cook together
  • Go to a play at the local theatre (here in Vancouver, check out the date nights at Theatre Under the Stars!)
  • Go dancing together
  • Take a cooking, painting, pottery, fishing or photography class together
  • Go on a winery or brewery tour (and bring home some of your favourites to enjoy at home!)

Date Your Husband (here's 20+ ideas!)

Have a Date Night at Home

Date Your Husband on a Budget

  • Go for a walk or a hike
  • Sit at a coffee shop and write a family mission statement or bucket list together
  • Make something together (research on Pinterest or go to a free class at your local hardware store)
  • Have a picnic in the living room (after the kids go to bed) with cheese and crackers or your favourite snack food.

20+ Ways to Date Your Spouse {31 Days to a Happy Husband}

 Share an Adventure!

  • Go rock climbing
  • Go geocaching
  • Go golfing
  • Go bowling
  • Go horseback riding
  • Go paintballing
  • Go canoeing, sailing, or whitewater rafter
  • Go biking

“Keeping a marriage together and the romance alive takes time. It means making one’s marriage and spouse a priority and setting aside time for only him or her. In other words, it means planning dates on a regular basis.” ~ Dr. Gary and Barbara Rosberg, 40 Unforgettable Dates with Your Mate

What do you do to date your husband? Share a favourite date night memory!

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  1. donett October 14, 2014
  2. Deanna T. (@MapleLeafMommy) October 12, 2014
    • Bonnie Way October 12, 2014
  3. Loretta Bouillon October 11, 2014
    • Bonnie Way October 11, 2014
  4. Jenn October 11, 2014
    • Bonnie Way October 11, 2014
  5. Cathy C October 11, 2014
    • Bonnie Way October 12, 2014
  6. Suzanne Rudge (MapleMouseMama) October 11, 2014
    • Bonnie Way October 11, 2014

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