Book Review: Becoming Myself by Stasi Eldredge

“The very fact that we long for the change we do is a sign that we are meant to have it. Our very dissatisfaction with our weaknesses and struggles points to the reality that continuing to live in them is not our destiny.”

When I read those sentences in Stasi Eldredge’s new book Becoming Myself: Embracing God’s Dream of You, I let out a big breath. Then I wanted to cheer. Those totally describe me. Even as I was thrilled to see Stasi’s new book and excited to start reading it, I had this little voice in the back of my head telling me it wouldn’t help. Why would this book change me when other books haven’t? Why do I keep picking up every new book that comes out, hoping this one will make me a better wife, a better mom, a better woman?

In the first chapter, “Does Anyone Ever Really Change?” Stasi addresses this very question. She shares her own attempts at change and acknowledges that it’s hard—but it’s possible. She explains that shame and self-discipline won’t help us change (yep, I can agree with that). What will change us? God’s love. Stasi says, “We cannot heal ourselves or free ourselves or save ourselves. We cannot become ourselves by ourselves. But we are not by ourselves. … [God] wants to help us become. He wants to help us change and grow.”

Stasi invites us into a journey of change with her and with God. In chapter 2, she talks about looking back—remembering our childhood neither with bitterness nor with rose-coloured glasses, but with God’s mercy.  In chapter 3, she talks about the reality of a woman’s world, from the inner world of our hormones and their affects upon our lives to the outer world, which is so anti-woman.  In chapters 3 and 4, Stasi takes a look at motherhood and how our moms affect us and our view of ourselves as women.  In each chapter, I found myself nodding along with her.

I’ll confess that’s as far as I’ve read so far, but I’m looking forward to the next chapters. Becoming Myself is already a book that I know I’ll want to read again, like Captivating or Love and War. Stasi shares her own struggles to change, but also shares the ways in which God has worked healing in her life. Using Scriptures and stories, Stasi offers a path to hope and healing—a path to becoming myself.

Stasi and John Eldredge are the founders of Ransomed Heart Ministries and the authors of numerous books.  They have three sons and live in Colorado, USA.  Stasi loves baking, reading, walking, and a good cup of coffee.  To find out more about them and their books (including the Study Guide or Worship CD to go with Becoming Myself) or connect with them on social media, check out their website. You can also read Stasi’s blog.

Book has been provided courtesy of David C. Cook and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.  Available at your favourite bookseller. This post contains affiliate links; as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

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  1. Spaceships October 12, 2013
  2. Fariha Naqvi-Mohamed CanadianMomEh October 11, 2013
  3. JoKnows October 11, 2013
  4. Little Miss Kate October 11, 2013
  5. Olivia L October 11, 2013

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