5 Problems with Being a Book Lover

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a hardcore book lover.  When I was growing up, there were never enough books in the house to read.  Now, I don’t have quite as much time to read, but the list of books that I want to read never seems to end.  Here’s just a few problems I’ve noticed with being a book lover…

5 problems with being a book lover

1.  Looking at the list of new fiction books at Indigo is dangerous.  Especially when there’s good deals over there.  That stack of books on my to-read list is already long enough and now there’s so many more new books that I want to add to it.  (But hey, thanks to my Kobo, that “stack” of books can’t actually fall over so it doesn’t look quite as overwhelming.)

2.  Shopping malls are judged by their bookstores.  I mean, why stop at a mall if it doesn’t have a bookstore?  For people like me who occasionally find crowds overwhelming, bookstores aren’t just a fun place to browse, they are also a great place to find some peace and quiet for a few minutes.

3.  There’s never enough bookshelf space.  I had this problem way back when I was living with my parents and trying to find a desk that also had enough bookshelves to hold all my books.  Then I married a fellow booklover.  Every time I think I’ve got the shelves perfectly organized with all our latest acquisitions, he comes home with new books or I get a bunch in the mail for review.

4.  Everyone knows what to get you for Christmas.  Indigo gift card, coming up.  Wait a minute, that’s a great thing—it means I can go get new fiction books without feeling guilty about spending more money on books, but then #3 comes into play again.

5.  Moving is a lot of work.  Packing the books into boxes is fairly easy (we always pack the books first), it just takes a while.  Ask my friend who spent an afternoon helping me do that the first time we moved.  Or my uncle, who helped haul all those boxes of books from our house to the truck during our last move.  Oh, and don’t pick the big boxes for packing books—they’re heavy.

Are you a book lover?  What problems would you add to the list?

Reading List: Cozy Reading Spot

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  1. lifewithyou1222 July 31, 2013
  2. Randa Derkson July 31, 2013
  3. Fariha Naqvi-Mohamed CanadianMomEh July 31, 2013
  4. mamawee July 31, 2013
  5. Erin E July 31, 2013
  6. Ashley July 31, 2013

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