Behind the Blog: Monique LeBlanc of The Last Time Change

Monique LeBlanc is a mom and blogger whom I’ve had the pleasure of meeting through my friend Anna. She’s also a contributor to Love Rebel: Reclaiming Motherhood, an anthology about embracing motherhood in a culture that thinks women should be doing “more” with their lives. Today, I’m delighted to take you behind the blog with Monique.

KBW: First, tell us a bit about yourself.

Monique: I am a cradle Catholic, raised in BC. After high school I spent a year on a ministry team with a group call REACH. After that I went to UBC and got a B.Sc. in Psychology. Actually I got a lot more at UBC—my husband, my best friends and a deeper understanding of my faith. I have been a full time mother for the last 13 years.

KBW: When and why did you start blogging?

Monique: I started blogging as a way to stay in touch with my friends and family when we moved to Saskatoon. I never thought it would be more then that. But I found that I really loved blogging.

KBW: How did you come up with your blog name?

Monique: I really wanted to call my blog “Big House on the Prairie” but it was already taken. Because I started it as a blog about moving to Saskatchewan I wanted some thing about the province. As we are the only province that does not change time for day light savings time I called “The Last Time Change.” Unfortunately the title is pretty obscure.

KBW: Do you have a blog schedule or do you post when you feel like it?

Monique: I blog as the Sprite moves me. I have tried setting a schedule but it never last more then two days!

KBW: What is your favourite part of blogging?  Your least favourite part?

Monique: I love sharing my journey of faith and my many foibles of life. I try really hard to be honest and let people see that we all have bad days and tough times but there is beauty in it all.

My least favourite part is being a perfectionist. I am often waiting for big beautiful posts and therefore don’t post often enough,

KBW: What advice would you offer to other bloggers?

Monique: Just hit publish. Don’t wait until it looks perfect or you will never do it.

KBW: What is your favourite social media channel and why?

Monique: Umm, Favourite is not the word I would use, but I am on Facebook. I like that I can keep in touch with people all over the world and from all times in my life.

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