Meet Colleen Pressprich from Elevator to Heaven

Catholic mom blogger Colleen Pressprich and I connected last year online over writing books, homeschooling, and our faith. I’m excited to see her upcoming book on Marian consecration for families, because this is something my husband and I have done together but not with our kids. She’s also got some awesome Montessori resources for kids on her blog. Here, Colleen shares more about her life as a mom and blogger.

Behind the blog with Colleen Pressprich

TKM: Tell us a bit about yourself!

Colleen: I’m Colleen Pressprich. I was born and raised in a small town in Connecticut where the cows outnumbered people by about 4 to 1 (and it smelled that way!). I ended up in Michigan, where I live now, by way of Georgia, which I still miss desperately, especially in the winter. Michigan was *supposed* to be a short detour, but I ended up meeting my husband here and staying.

I was a missionary and a Montessori teacher at various points in my past, but now I’m happily a SAHM. We have 3 kids and my 97-year-old Gram lives with us, so life is pretty full, and very, very wonderful.

TKM: When and why did you start your blog?

Colleen: I started blogging the first time during my year as a Life Teen missionary, which was 2008. I think you can still find that blog up. Then when I became a nanny to four young kids who had recently lost their mom, blogging was one of many things I gave up in the busyness of that season.

I didn’t pick it back up again until after I was married. We had our first child, and my husband switched gears and started medical school. I had time again, and I’ve always loved the written word. I took a break when we had our second, and then started back writing seriously again a little over a year ago.

TKM: How did you come up with your blog name?

Colleen: The name Elevator to Heaven comes from Saint Therese who said that she was just too little and weak for the staircase to Heaven, but that the arms of Jesus would be her elevator, taking her there quickly and easily. I adore that image; it’s so vivid, so sincere, so vulnerable. Therese’s complete childlike trust has always challenged me, and given me a kick in the pants when I’ve needed it.

Elevator to Heaven blog by Colleen Pressprich

TKM: Do you have a blog schedule or do you post when you feel like it?

Colleen: I don’t have a schedule, but more than blogging when I feel like it, I blog when my kids and Gram allow it. I’m in a season of life where our oldest has only just turned 5, and my husband is working, on average, 80 hours a week. Sometimes there’s just not the time to write what I want to. I try to take full advantage of times when the house is peaceful and the kids are playing cooperatively (like now).

TKM: What is your favourite part of blogging? your least favourite part?

Colleen: I like sharing what our family is going through, in the hopes that it will help someone else. And I love hearing from readers about what has resonated with them.

My least favorite part is easily all of the extras that go alongside blogging, like making graphics and scheduling posts. That is definitely outside of my wheelhouse.

TKM: What advice would you offer other bloggers?

Colleen: I don’t know that I feel qualified to really offer advice! I still feel so new to this myself.

If I were to venture out with some advice, it would be to just write, without overthinking, and to take a break if it’s not fun anymore. I think sometimes I can get into my own head and worry overmuch about what I’m going to say, or how I’m going to schedule it, or if I’m keeping to themes or whatever. Those are the times when blogging becomes draining and a drudgery. And those are times when I need to step back and remember why I love writing.

TKM: What is your favourite book and why?

Colleen: This is a remarkably difficult question! If I was answering based on what books I’ve read/listened to the most, I would say the Lord of the Rings trilogy by J. R. R. Tolkien and Persuasion by Jane Austen. If I was answering based on what books I never, ever lend out, it would be Interior Castle by Teresa of Avila and True Devotion to Mary by Louis de Montfort

TKM: Who is your favourite saint and why?

Colleen: Another difficult one! Saint Teresa of Avila has been my companion on this journey since I was 18 years old, when I first read Interior Castle. She was the first saint I really connected with on a personal level and remains my go-to when I need prayers. I love her feistiness and her honesty.

TKM: What’s a favourite family tradition that your family enjoys (for any time of year)?

Colleen: Honestly, “Daddy at home days” are our very favorite thing. My husband’s schedule is so insane, and has been for the kids’ whole lives, so we really make days that he’s off work special. Not so fun fact: a medical resident is allowed to work up to 80 hours a week and only required to be given off 1 day off a week, and since residents are free labor for the hospitals, the hospital will usually push the limits of what’s allowable.

So when Mark is home, we really live it up. I mean, sure there are sometimes chores we have to get done, but usually we try to make some of the day out of the ordinary. Mark makes chocolate chip waffles in the morning for breakfast (which I don’t ever make and is a big treat). We put aside our school work and regular chores, no matter what day of the week it is, and we go outside to play, visit a museum, or make other special plans.

TKM: Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Colleen: I’d love to put in a little plug for my upcoming book, published by Our Sunday Visitor. My Marian Consecration for Families with Young Children will be out this summer, and I’m so excited to share this devotion with other families. So keep your eyes out!

If you enjoyed this interview with Colleen Pressprich, check out last month’s interview with Chloe Langr.

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