Behind the Blog: Chloe Langr from Old Fashioned Girl

Chloe Langr and I hang out together in a Facebook group for Catholic mom bloggers. If we didn’t live in different countries, I’d love to explore a museum with her or sit down over coffee to talk about our favourite Jane Austen novels. Here, Chloe shares how she got started in the blogging world, plus a bit more about herself and her family.

an interview with Chloe Langr from Old Fashioned Girl

TKM: Tell us a bit about yourself!

Chloe: My name is Chloe Langr. I’m a Catholic, wife to Joseph and mom to Maeve. An introvert who loves her coffee, I write over on my blog, Old Fashioned Girl, and explore Catholicism on two podcast that I produce (The Catholic Podcast and Letters to Women). I also work as a digital media publisher for Holy Family School of Faith, and edit for the CatholicSingles.com blog.

I live in Kansas City. When I’m not writing or behind a podcast microphone, I love reading through an ever-growing stack of books I bring home from the library.

TKM: When and why did you start your blog?

Chloe: I originally started blogging in the summer of 2012—eight years ago! I was a high school senior at the time, gearing up for college. I’d had an encounter with Christ in the Eucharist at a youth conference that summer and wanted a place online to process what it meant to be a Catholic woman.

Chloe Langr blogs at Old Fashioned Girl

TKM: How did you come up with your blog name?

Chloe: I’ve been blogging under the name “Old Fashioned Girl” for a while now. I love all things old fashioned—except you won’t find me ordering an old fashioned at the bar, since bitters aren’t my thing. But you can pour me a dark beer any time!

Jane Austen, hand-written letters, and museum visits make me think I was born in the wrong era. But my short hair, frequent Dunkin’ Donut runs, and Instagram account sometimes give me an identity crisis. Maybe I’m more modern than I think!

On the blog, I have a fun time writing and figuring out if I’m an old-fashioned rebel or am I rebelling against things old-fashioned. Readers get to look through my thoughts and decide for themselves as I explore Catholicism and how I live out the feminine genius in my ordinary, everyday life.

TKM: Do you have a blog schedule or do you post when you feel like it?

Chloe: I used to have more of a schedule, and then I became a mom! Now, I write when I get a chance to and hit ‘publish’ when I feel like it.

TKM: What is your favorite part of blogging? your least favorite part?

Chloe: My favorite part is the community of women I have gotten to know as I’ve blogged (and produced the podcasts!). People I knew through their own blogs or social media accounts have become true and dear friends to me.

My least favorite part is reading through something I’ve written and shared and then finding a spelling mistake!

Catholic mom blogger Chloe Langr with her husband and baby daughter

TKM: What advice would you offer other bloggers?

Chloe: You don’t have to be perfect (I say this as the woman who hates finding imperfections in my own work). I’ve talked to people who say they’ll start a blog or blog more on the site they started when they know exactly what they want to say and how to say it perfectly. But there’s never a perfect time to write, and you won’t always say exactly what you want to say the first time. That’s the beauty of drafts, spell check, and an honest community to help you along the way.

TKM: What is your favorite book and why?

Chloe: I’m currently loving anything by Louise Penny. I came across her mystery novels in a hard season in my own life. It was so nice to be able to read her books and try to solve a mystery, especially when so much of my own life seemed to be a mystery. Now I’m reading through one of her first books with my sisters and I’m loving the conversations that we have around her work.

TKM: Who is your favorite saint and why?

Chloe: I have so many favorites, but if I had to pick one, it’s going to be Saint Pope John Paul II. His writings on what it means to be a Catholic woman and the beauty of the feminine genius inspire me daily. His work on the Theology of the Body radically changed how I think about love.

When Joseph and I started dating, we prayed to him as the patron saint of our relationship. I was blessed with a chance to pray at his tomb last November and it was an incredible experience I’ll never forget.

Catholic mom blogger Chloe Langr with her husband and baby daughter

TKM: What’s a favorite family tradition that your family enjoys (for any time of year)?

Chloe: Sunday traditions around the Langr house are my favorite. We get up later, have meaningful conversation over cups of coffee, go to Mass together, and come home for holy leisure as a family. Each Sunday leisure activity looks a little different, but at the heart of it, I get to spend time with Joseph and Maeve doing things l love.

Drop by Old Fashioned Girl to connect with Chloe Langr or look up her podcasts on your favourite podcast app. You can also find her on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. If you enjoyed this post, check out my other interviews with bloggers, authors, homeschool grads and others!

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