Natural Eczema Remedies

When Jade was diagnosed with eczema just before her third birthday, I had two questions: what causes it and how do I treat it? Her pediatrician had two very short answers for me: genetics and hydrocortisone cream. Neither answer satisfied me. I immediately began doing as much research as I could, for both the cause of her eczema and natural eczema remedies for her.

Natural eczema remedies (adult holding a child's hand with eczema)

While Jade may have a genetic predisposition to eczema, I suspect hers is also caused by diet and seasonal changes. Her eczema flares up in the winter and gets better in the summer. During the winter months when it is bad, I’ve found several natural eczema remedies that help her skin look and feel better.

Arbonne Baby Care

Olivia Trzcianowski is an Independent Arbonne consultant who reached out to me after seeing my post about Jade’s eczema. I’ve heard about Arbonne products before so I was excited to give them a try. I’m a firm believer in using natural products whenever I can, especially on my children’s skin. Olivia sent us the diaper rash cream, body lotion and hair & body wash.

Arbonne Baby Care Set - lotion, sunscreen, diaper rash cream, and hair & body wash - are natural eczema remedies

I began using the Arbonne baby lotion in Jade’s daily lotion routine and loved it. The lotion is soft and smooth and rubs in quickly. The large bottle goes a long way. So far, I think this daily moisturizing routine is the biggest factor in keeping Jade’s eczema at bay in the winter.

The girls also liked the hair & body wash. I squirt a small amount into their bath water to create bubbles for them. Then I use it in Jade’s hair as well. It lathers nicely and her hair comes out of the bath feeling clean and soft. I do still use conditioner in her hair, because she has long, fine hair (like me), but I’m careful to do the conditioner at the very end of her bath and rinse her well so that she’s not sitting in it.

Neither Jade nor Pearl has had diaper rash since the products arrived, so I actually haven’t had a chance to try the cream yet! For the summer, they also have a kids’ sunscreen that I want to check out. I’m terrible about remembering to put it on for the girls, but Sunshine is good at reminding me.

Coconut & Oat Milk Bath by BeBe de Luxe

As I already mentioned, I’m very aware of what Jade bathes in and the effect that has upon her skin. The girls love all sorts of smelly soaps, but I’ve been looking for more natural products lately, especially when Jade’s skin is raw and itchy from eczema. The Coconut & Oat Milk Bath by BeBe de Luxe was the perfect solution—gentle on her skin and full of ingredients that would actually help treat her eczema as well:

Vitamin E is known to deliver healing benefits to dry skin, minor cuts, burns and rashes. Oatmeal has natural anti-itch properties and will further soothe dry, itchy or inflamed skin. In addition to the cleansing and moisturizing properties, coconut milk is also anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and anti-fungal. Great for sensitive, dry skin.

Bebe de Luxe's Coconut & Oat Milk Bath (natural eczema remedies)

We received a petit bag of the Milk Bath but I found that it also goes a long way. Again, I was careful not to use any other products in the bath. Since Jade loves having baths, this was a great way to treat her eczema without making a big deal out of it. Just pop her in the bath, add some Coconut & Oat Milk Bath to it, and let her play while the Milk Bath works its magic.

Pure Hazelwood Necklace

In my eczema research, I found that inflammation such as eczema is one of the body’s reactions to foods it can’t tolerate. Hazelwood contains polyphenols, which are anti-inflammatories. Pure Hazelwood is a Canadian company that manufactures necklaces and bracelets to help prevent and treat inflammation. Jade received an adorable Olaf necklace (she picked it herself) to try out. Since receiving it, she has only taken the necklace off for baths. She hasn’t had a flare-up since using it; it’s a cute, easy way to keep her eczema away.

Pure Hazelwood toddler necklace with Olaf charm (natural eczema remedies)

Using Natural Eczema Remedies with Your Child

I tend to take a “shotgun approach” to treating my children’s illnesses. When Jade’s eczema is flaring up, I will give her the necklace, regular baths, and daily moisturizer while also watching what she eats. However, I do recommend trying new products on their own (as I did) to see if they are working before using them in conjunction with other products.

Do you or your child suffer from eczema? Have you tried natural eczema remedies? What works for you?

I received product and / or compensation for all the items listed above; as always, all opinions expressed are my own. I am currently using all of these products for Jade’s skin.

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  1. Cheryl Semrau May 12, 2016
  2. Olivia May 11, 2016

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